This is the "End of Beta"?


This is the Farest point you can get right now?
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Staff member
Yes, this is the furthest you can get in the main story right now!

The stable version will be updated episodically when we have enough content (like new areas, dungeons or such) and should happen every 1-3 months or similar.

If you want faster updates (but less stable) you can follow these instructions. These updates come in smaller portions every week or so.
In the meantime, be sure to go out and do some side stuff like collecting cards, fishing, crafting, treasure hunting, completing arena challenges, feeding pets, and repeatedly swinging your sword at the chickens of Grindea, their clucks of agony ringing out across the countryside in warning to any who would dare to oppose you...
yea, but how do i grind bosses? Since some of them have loot i need for crafting but it seems like i cant fight them twice...


Staff member
We are in the process of implementing a room in the Collectors' HQ where you can re-challenge old bosses to get their loot! It will be added sometime in the (hopefully near) future :)
such awesome, i really love you guys :)

But one last Question, can i use my current "Stable" Savefile on the "Unstable Version"? :D


Staff member
such awesome, i really love you guys :)

But one last Question, can i use my current "Stable" Savefile on the "Unstable Version"? :D

You can! But if the unstable (Frontline) version gets too many updates, you may not be able to load them in the Stable version.