Um, where'd the Rabbys go?

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
There's normally a collection of 3 rabbys and a boar that come after you when yo come through this exit... and they're not here?


[Edit]: They don't want to appear at all, even when I exit and reenter. Hm.


Staff member
This happens when you've got Naniva in tow! It's to prevent her flying over to an enemy/bush and start jabbering away, making the Hey Listen window appear over the character as boars and rabbys goes to town on you. A bit too annoying even for Naniva!

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Ah, so there is a reason! I wasn't going mad after all :D

Would it not be better to move their spawn point down the path, seen as you'll still have to go past them anyway?