Unique enemy spawns a guaranteed Elite?


There are several 'unique' enemy spawns in the game. The first, I think, is the Brawler Bot that leaps off the balcony and ambushes you. The next is the Pecko that breaks through the roof in the Flying Fortress.

I feel these unique, once-off enemies spawns would have a bit more impact to them if they appeared as an elite.


Green Slime
Indeed it would give a nice touch to those 2 but the problem will be that they will be farmable since they respawn everytime you re-enter the room.
Should be a One-Time-Elite-Only Event perhaps.


Green Slime
Sorry was not reading it correctly.
Still thinking it would be an awesome Idea though.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I like this! Usually I just run past them but if they looked like a strong, cool fight with maybe some sweet loot I would definetly stop by and give them a whack! :p


Giga Slime
This sounds like a really good idea.
I feel elites of some other enemies would be something cool, having them pop up randomly, but almost like a chance thing, dropping some sweet loot in return for slaying them. ;u;


Green Slime
I totally like that idea.

Are there any elite mobs in the Story Mode yet? I mean besides
The Rabbit for the Carrot Sword and the 5 Elites in the Forest for the Curse Quest.

/sorta offtopic
Would be a nice idea also like Kiri said to have some elites pop up randomly. Like don't know every time you change a map there is a Rate of X to spawn an Elite, or something like every time a Monster respawns it got a rate of X to spawn as an Elite while the Rate of X increases (For a little bit, not much) with every 5 Killed Monsters of the same Type or so.

Would make it farmable and still not to much abusable.
/Offtopc off

But yeah I think those unique Monster spawns should be Elite so it's more of a challenge to beat them up.


Staff member
I like this idea, only makes sense to amp up those encounters a bit since they have some extra work put into them!

Also, elite Mobs will start to appear randomly in Story Mode just as they do in Arcade Mode after you've finished the Pumpkin Woods quest.