Upgrading our pre-order tiers?


Green Slime
I'd like to know this as well, I'd like a higher tier but don't want to have to make a second purchase.


Green Slime
I've seen other Humble Bundle pre-order devs say that there isn't any way to upgrade tiers easily with HB right now.

Relevant sidenote: I'd be interested in the behind the scenes book when it's available, because the blog posts are always so interesting, but I don't want the entire tier of stuff. How about offering it to buy separately?


Staff member
Relevant sidenote: I'd be interested in the behind the scenes book when it's available, because the blog posts are always so interesting, but I don't want the entire tier of stuff. How about offering it to buy separately?

It's a long way off but when the game is released properly we might sell both the production booklet and the OST (with proceeds going to the musician) separately. I guess it'll depend on the demand!


An option to upgrade package would be great if it could be arranged somehow! Would be nice to be able to donate more money to increase the pre-order tire as we see the game progress. Do you think there is a way of arranging this in the future?