[Visual] Another bizarre series of visual glitches in one run report.


- Ping 100~

- No Blue Fairy used.

- Host had just switched to Frontline.

- I was switching between some of the new Bishop hats, no clue if they had any bearing on the game.

- Host used Cloud, Snow summons.

- I used Flamethrower, Snow summon.

- I was constantly, constantly being desynced 1 off my maximum HP throughout the run after almost every level up, when it's a rarity in other co-op runs. No potions for me as a result, always an orb.

- At one point a phantom, flickering Cloud appeared at a random part of the room and never went away, met with the sound of it constantly being summoned. Really annoying.

- Invisible snow summons.

- Gundam hands as usual not showing any indication they're about to strike, visually going immediately from sitting still to punching with no inbetween.