Where do I find all of the teleport plates?


Green Slime
I'm wondering where the teleport plates are for the areas on the map. I saw on an old post a picture of something in the shape of a teleportation plate at Seasonne but nothing happens when I attack or step on it....help? XP

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
The Pillar Mountains, Evergrind City, Mt. Bloom, Tai Ming, Santa Fae, Pumpkin Woods and the Flying Fortress are the only places there teleport plates are present as far as I can remember.

While there isn't one in Seasonne at the moment, I'd at least like to see one, it being the only area before a dungeon without one. Walking over there from Evergrind while you haven't unlocked Santa Fae yet is a bit of an annoying trek.