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  1. F

    [Suggestion] Titan's Throw Changes

    I personally find the Titan's Throw (while very fun to play with), rather useless is terms of practicality. It does increased damage the farther away a target is, it requires a triple charge to be even the slightest bit useful (even then, any usage of it would be more beneficial if you just ran...
  2. F

    New Skill: Decisive Strikes

    Pretty simple idea. So far the Berserk skill appears to reward aggressive combat styles and increase the damage and attack speed if you sustain dps, but that is rather limited if not absurdly hard to maintain in a boss fight. So really it seems more like a farming tool rather than a boss tool...
  3. F

    My Thoughts on Healing

    Overall, healing in this game is going to be rather limited and highly situational in quite a wide variety of ways. I was reading through a few forum posts and saw one of the problems discussed being adding a healing / support role. One of the main problems is finding a suitable "spell" that...
  4. F

    Very Early Game Gold Farming (Nearly 2000 Per Minute)

    Early on when I started playing, I noticed in the Flying Fortress a room that has a rather interesting layout of jars. And an even more interesting mechanic should you run in and out of the door each time. On the left side, if you...
  5. F

    Endgame Players Suggestion

    Very true for both, tbh with a game like this it would be far more efficient to just rest rather than go all the way over to a bed even though it would take a mere 15-45 seconds at most (people much prefer to just continue playing unless its absolutely necessary to leave). As for the difficulty...
  6. F

    Endgame Players Suggestion

    Heya, so I started playing this game a bit ago and I have to say, with the whole fact I really dislike any RPG that doesn't require intense reactions and hardcore gameplay, I absolutely love this game. Despite the fact only 3 temples are currently out (with the third lacking the ending thus...