New Skill: Decisive Strikes

Pretty simple idea. So far the Berserk skill appears to reward aggressive combat styles and increase the damage and attack speed if you sustain dps, but that is rather limited if not absurdly hard to maintain in a boss fight. So really it seems more like a farming tool rather than a boss tool. Decisive strikes essentially takes the inverse of this and rewards a decisive playstyle (not constantly attacking). A meter charges over time and increases the damage of your next regular melee 2-handed attack. This makes it so if you let it charge all the way, you can do a heavy hit whereas if you continue hitting it only does little to no damage boost. To make it so its not an overall permanent buff, give a 1-3 second "waiting period" for the bar to start filling once more rather than letting it constantly fill. It should not affect any melee skills to prevent having a hyper charged heroic slam. Any other fixes will be up to you but in this way it would make 2-handed playstyles a bit more viable in boss-fights rather than the simple 1-handed z-spam.