A preview of the final boss of SoG.


The entire video is well worth the watch if you're even passingly familiar with bullet hells (which you should be if you beat Flying Fortress), but the context of the title takes place at 5:15. Everyone knows how much Teddy enjoys his bullet hell bosses. This can be the only outcome.



Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
The entire video is well worth the watch if you're even passingly familiar with bullet hells (which you should be if you beat Flying Fortress), but the context of the title takes place at 5:15. Everyone knows how much Teddy enjoys his bullet hell bosses. This can be the only outcome.

That bullet hell looked weak. I could do that in my sleep. [Insert Kappa Face Here]

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Lol, that's great. The skill in that is like an Osu! player's dream. Also the broken textures at 6:10 are a great representation of some of the glitchy hell that comes about with Pokémon R/B/Y exploits. The animator did a fantastic job.

I'm becoming quite partial to some bullet hell, but only if the rest of the game is up to scratch. Grindea? Yes. Issac? Yes. My most recent discovery, Rabi Ribi? No. The boss battles are great and usually satisfying to complete, but the game is lacklustre in so many other areas that it's a bit of a disappointment. My review for it was so long that Steam flat out refused to accept it. Sadly I've outstayed my 2 hours for a refund, so I guess I'll probably get round to completing it some time.


It'd be a bit of a disappointment if Grindea turns into a Bullet hell game. So far it's been 50/50, with the mini boss showing signs that the plant boss may be "Bullet Hell". With that said, some of the normal monster plans/insects were different. With more of an environment/ground hazard placement, along with bouncing around (spinsect). So all in all it's still okay.

Hopefully the next one/two bosses after the miniboss/boss of Mount Bloom use something different. Still unsure how the Mount Bloom boss is going to be.


Green Slime
The last boss is going to be Faramamara! he makes you go through like the biggest bullet hell ever. (your goal is to just survive bullet hell cause he has to waist his last energy trying to kill you cause he grows stronger with EVERY LIVING SOUL HE CONSUMES) and then he says:
"HOW!?!?! I- I COULDN'T KILL YOU? I AM YOUR GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT- (after 15 minutes of greats) -GRANDFARTHER!!!!!!!! *dun dun duuuuun!!!!!!!* First your mother (asuming she is revived) then *panting* then you.... my own decedent... I guess....it all makes sense now....... ha... the powerfullest man ever.... there is no way for me to win...... my destiny is to warn you though...... there is bigger problems in the future.... they.... will.........."
His body then explodes and LOOT! basically SoG confirmed if this happens :p
then the last boss is a called Deity which is all the artifacts (expect for Bag!) think about it. theres Gaan'tlet then theres going be Arm'or (other arm) Footi Foeti (two artifacts that work together and yeah legs btw!) then there Crow'ni (head) glacess (face) Aye'more (chest) Amulet (accesory1) Cap'eh (accesory2 [cape]) and then there is Swor-deye (sword [phase one weapon]{d is silent so its SORE EYE! AHAHAHA also bag and Swor-deye keep going Swor-deye? NO! it's Swor-eye the d is silent! ohh right Swor-deye! NO!!! IT's Swor-eye and they fight for about5 message boxes and then he says GAAAHH forget it! SLAVE KILL THEM!}) Shuld (sheild) and last... Haaay'mor (hammer/claymore) and they are all mixed together as a body!!!