A questions from China


Green Slime
I like this game very much especially painting.
Is most of the game making time used to drawing?

I come from China and My English is not very good, hope you can understand what I mean.


There are three developers who split their duties evenly. Vilya is the artist and gets her work done quicker because art is faster than designing enemy AI / movesets, cutscenes, etc. That's why the boss for the Season Temple is still being worked on, but Vilya already has good progress made on the next two areas.


Staff member
Don't forget Fred, the animator! Animating also takes a ton of time, so me and Fred is usually relatively in sync.

Luckily, while Vilya is ahead of us in terms of environments for the new areas, her work include so many different things she'll always be able to make content padding while me and Fred is catching up (stuff like hats, furniture, etc) :D