Balance Suggestion For The "Last Breath/Spark/Stand" Talents.

I'm making one post for three talents (Last Breath in Melee, Last Spark in Magic, and Last Stand in General) because I want to suggest an adjustment to their core mechanic that they all share.

I want to suggest that these talents are redesigned in a way that gives a smaller bonus at a higher HP threshold, while ramping up the benefits as one's health goes lower. In simpler terms, I want to suggest that instead of giving the whole bonuses at 20% HP as they do now, they instead give a quarter of their bonuses at 75% HP (for example 15% defense for the Last Stand talent), then half of the bonuses at 50%, and then the full bonus at 25%.

Why? Because I believe their niche is way too narrow to see any noticeable use. Last 20% of your HP means one of two things - either "it" REALLY hit the fan, or you're doing a meme build with Boots of Bloodthirst. If "it" REALLY hit the fan, then you probably won't be saved by those bonuses even despite how strong they are, or, better yet, you should have invested into talents that gave you consistent bonuses for those 80% of HP you've lost over the course of the fight, and maybe you wouldn't even be in this 20% situation. And with Bloodthirst Boots, the Last Stand talent is worthless because not only are you at one HP and one barrier pop away from death, but also if you memed with the boots - then you're probably memeing with the daisy armor and the skull ring as well, which means your def is in negative triple digits and the talent is either useless or even detrimental depending on how it works with negative def values.

Allowing these talents to work in a limited capacity at higher HP thresholds would allow them to see more use outside of the meme glass setup while mostly keeping the "persevere through overwhelming odds" aspect of their personality intact.

One issue I see is the name, however. Admittedly, if your power begins to ramp up as early as "Quarter Dead", it's not much of a "last" breath/spark/stand. I'd suggest renaming them from last talents, "Last Breath, Last Spark, Last Stand", to perseverance talents, "Spiteful Perseverance (melee), Arrogant Perseverance (magic), Reckless Perseverance (general)". The names might need touching up, but I feel like it fits the general vibe.
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