development speed?


Green Slime
how fast are areas added to the game? i just poked my nose into the devlog and it looks like the first boss was added about 4 years ago and it is freaking me out 0_0


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
Well, there's only 3 people working on the game with only one of them coding so it's not really shocking that the developing is going slow. When it comes to things like these it's impossible to guess how long it will take before it's finished. Since it's impossible to guess how long it will take until the next area gets added there's no point in even speculating about it. All we can do really is wait and see.

Sorry if I sound negative. :/


The lion's share of the work is probably things you can't see. They've been working on skills, talents, the engine, Arcade Mode, not just the winter area.

I'd say the time invested into Arcade Mode is good, considering that's where most people on Twitch are spending their time after beating Story.