- Combat -
-Two handed weapons-
I'm just gonna come out and say it, there is no real reason to pick two-handed weapons. Sure, they hit harder and the arc of the swing is a bit larger, but DPS wise a wooden sword can out-damage a squire's claymore. I'd also like to point out that the arc swing being larger is only a marginal difference, you can still hit many enemies with a 1-handed weapon. With burn/chill chance being a thing and consecutive/debuff damage scaling being available to you along with crit chance and crit damage, there are MANY ways that one-handed weapons can out-do a two-handed weapon in almost every aspect. Alright so I can do 1,000+ dmg with Heroic Slam, but with 3 basic attacks I also could still do that 1,000 damage but do it more safely. Two of the five two-handed skills are gimmicky while none are from the one-handed side of things. To me it's a high-risk high reward thing VS low-risk higher reward.
My sugggestion to fix this is further improving the arc of two-handed weapon swinging, increasing attack speed or even adding a sort of "attack chain" to the swings. An attack chain would allow different variations of damage/attack speed to melf and even help smooth out the issue I have with the weapon type. Basically I'm saying that I don't feel strong swinging something so potentially devastating.
What I noticed here isn't really something too serious, just a small list of things I either found to be strange or unbalanced. Remember this is just my opinion on things and my first impression of what problems (or what I think are problems)
-Rabby monsters attack before the actual animation of their bite, making it seem like they're hurting you with their chin more than anything in my opinion
-Red slimes show up in Arcade but not in story mode, I don't know if it's an arcade-only monster or if it's a spoiler towards what will be in the story mode of this game. But to me it's strange seeing them.
-Bees ruin Arcade grades in Arcade mode, their AI suggests that waiting for the right time to strike is the best method, however in Arcade mode you're graded on time, so currently if you're fighting any bees you won't be getting an S for your floor grade.
- Vilya boss fight in Arcade mode too soon/too strong. The first time you fight her in arcade mode reflects the first time you fight her in the story mode. However in the story mode her 2nd fight happens AFTER you basically go through 80% of the current beta (or ~40% of the actual whole game it feels like). In arcade mode you fight her again almost 10 minutes after you defeat her the first time, a HUGE jump in difficulty in my opinion and to me one that can be avoided. Once I started arcade mode my first impression was "this game is in beta for a reason, many balance problems indeed" which is not something I wanted to think so early into my experience.
-Monsters sometimes spawn behind you in arcade mode. If and once they do they can easily get a hit off on you before you can see your character on the screen. It really doesn't make sense to have this happen in my eyes, when I noticed it I thought "seems legit, RIP A rank, thanks Rngesus" and it's not a happy thing to think about. This is especially bad when you have really low HP or you accept a deal with death to not take damage in the next room.
-Shops in Arcade mode rarely sell anything magic related.
Unfortunately I do not see much replayability in this game. Once I know all the secrets, it just feels like Grindea (if you get what I mean). The story could really go for some deviation, a way to open up the storyline and add hours into the single-player aspect of the game besides Arcade mode. Maybe multiple choice decisions that alter the game and the path you walk could be added? Maybe a Story+ mode or a daily challenge system added in would help players stick to this game a bit longer