[Gameplay] 6 player multiplayer.


Staff member
The number four is arbitrary (inspired by convention), but having a limit isn't without reason! The biggest thing is stuff like cutscenes in Story Mode, where people have to be placed correctly, do things, etc.

It also affects level design in that we can design most battlegrounds with "up to four players" in mind, and lastly, much of our enemy scaling mechanics lose their finer points after a while! Delays between actions and animation speed can only be reasonably tweaked so far.

It would of course be possible to make some weird generic case for how to handle all this things, like fading out players 5+ during cutscenes, starting to scale HP and ATK of enemies when their behaviors can no longer be tweaked, etc. But honestly, I think people playing with a huge amount of players is a significant outlier, and it would probably be better for the quality of the game to not open that can of worms!

However one of our "stuff that would be cool to add after release" is a raid-mode where we create massive arenas and make classic raid encounters suited for 10+ players (no promises) :p


Oh, I didn't mean it would be cool to see 5+ players officially supported. That would require a stupid amount of work from balance, to cutscenes, to... hell, the entire reworking of story and arcade mode.

But being able to modify some files ourselves and cheat it in would be fun for a gimmick, once and only once. :p The game's areas clearly aren't designed for 10-20 people to fit in for anything more than a laugh. Honestly, I'd prefer to see that Seasoned Knights mode I suggested 100 times more than a 10+ player event. :D Side-scrolling beat-'em-up action with the Season Temple Knights seems pretty fun.

Especially if it changed up the game's base mechanics in ways enough to make the game mode distinct, like removing 'HP / Damage' in favor of a Battletoads / River City Ransom-style health cube system. You get # cubes, every hit from anything removes one solid cube.

That sort of stuff is probably at least over a year away, though. You guys aren't even halfway finished with Story Mode, right? Three more temples to go?