[Gameplay]Able to use shield when using 2H weapon?


Green Slime
I don't know if this is intentional or a bug, but in most games, 2 handed would mean that you can't hold a shield on the other hand.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
In this game you are able to use the shield no matter what weapon you are using. If you pay attention to when you use the shield you notice that you take away your weapon which means that you can't swing your sword while using the shield. You can think of it as if the shield is on your back and when you block you put away your sword and draw forth the shield. This also means that you can cancel your attacks by bringing out the shield in the middle of a swing which can be used to "speed up" the attackspeed for 2handed weapons. Since some of the monsters "require"* you to block the incomming attack it would be kind of dumb to not have a shield when using a certain weapon which is why (at least I think) the devs allow 2H weapon users to use a shield.

*Quotation marks because you don't really need to use the shield but it makes it easier.