[Gameplay] Entering a new screen causes effects to carry over


Green Slime
Not the best title, but I couldn't think of a good way to put it. If the player is by something right as they change screens, they will still suffer the same effects as being hit by the attack. For example, I moved a Yeti right outside of the house Mrs. Claus is in and got hit with its freeze breath right as I entered the house and spawned in the house frozen.
SoG Frozen Indoors.PNG
Getting hit by its pound attack while entering the house knocked me through the pots on the left side.


Green Slime
That is completely ok. Just imagine this in real life: Imagine you get poised IRL. The poison is not cured if you enter another room of your house.


Green Slime
That is completely ok. Just imagine this in real life: Imagine you get poised IRL. The poison is not cured if you enter another room of your house.
I kinda figured this was intentional, but I thought it seemed kind of weird from a gameplay standpoint to walk inside a house and immediately be knocked back. But now that you say that, it does make sense.

NOTE: I didn't test this with a transition to a new area, so I'm not sure if it would still work the same way (enemies reset upon moving to a new screen, but not when you enter a house). I'll test that and post the results here when I get a chance.


Staff member
As @magnusi mentioned, we don't really consider this a bug! Thank you for reporting it anyway, though - if enough people find it annoying it's of course something we might look into changing :)

I'll move the thread to solved for now!