[Gameplay][Frontline] Got Cloud Summon without using skillpoints


Green Slime
No idea if this bug was already posted, though.

I ended my last arcade run through the menu while using the cloud summon, and went on another one. When I levelled up after a few rooms, to my surprise, I noticed that I already had the cloud up and running!

I didn't record a video(sadly), so here are 2 screenshots for now.

Me with cloud summon:

Me with cloud summon tactically placed behind GUI while you can see I did not spend any skill points and there are no levels on cloud summon:

Also it seems it didn't block any energy.
I proceeded to level up the cloud summon and then refund the skillpoint, and as expected, my cloud summon disappeared after refunding.

I will try to look if I can recreate the bug and maybe record it.

EDIT: I remembered that in that last run, after I ended it through the menu, my character for some reason got instantly ressurected with 1 HP. Maybe that could be the cause?

EDIT 2: Got it to happen reliably, the cause was ending the run while playing Multiplayer Mode (I was the only one playing) and having the cloud summon up while in a room without enemies (aka instant respawn if your teammate magically gets hurt for example while at 1 hp).
It causes me to die and get revived instantly, and then appear with cloud in Arcadia.

I'll post a video soon.

EDIT 3: Here's the video

Volvo pls fix
Or not, you can always have fun with bugs like these, huehue
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