[Gameplay] Quests with updated rewards not reset.


I didn't even know about this until doing it in multiplayer.

The fisherman's quest in Arcade Mode used to award Essence. Now it gives a house item, which I now have, but couldn't have if I had only played singleplayer. This quest reeeally should have been reset for everyone when it's reward was updated. :p Is there any other arcade quest with new rewards I should be aware of? The 2,000 gold nurse one, or the all-elites one?


Oh, I forgot to post this a few days ago, but:

Level: 23.
Level talent points: 22.
Quests that give talent points: 5. (Ghost Hunt, Ancient Temple, Cooking Candy, Chicken Savior, Goblin Grinch,

Estimated Talent Points: 27.

Allocated Talent Points:

Adaptable - 5.
Surgeon - 5.
Brutality - 3.
Strength - 5.
Fencer - 5.
Backhander - 2.

Total: 25.

I doublechecked my math and realized I am 2 Talent Orbs shy of total, and chances are so is everyone else who played before the Season Temple was 100% finished.

If you do decide to reset the Arcade Fishing Quest, you should also reset everyone's talent orbs, add back the base number they have and then add one for every Talent Orb awarding quest they have completed. That ought to fix all the saves. In the future just reset any quest that is updated in any way. :D I'm sure people wouldn't mind redoing them for new rewards.

While I'm on the subject of quests, it would be nice if Completed Quests showed up in Arcade Mode in the future, so we could see what we've already done or check if rewards have changed. :)