Going through dialoge with B (or X on keyboard)


Handsome Moderator
I have the ancient issue of pressing A(/Z on keyboard) way too fast and often.
How about adding the option to skip dialoge with B so i can't accidentally engage in useless talk. The great collector has no time for chit-chat and is sadly a little clumsy.


Staff member
You can skip entire dialogues quickly by pressing Escape on keyboards, or Start on gamepads!


Handsome Moderator
But i don't want to skip the entire dialoge, i just want to be faster sometimes. I still read it.
What i do too is pressing B when i get to choose if i want something and want to say "No". It's just habit that you can press the "back"/"negate" button to say no and go through dialoge without starting it again.

It's really no problem but an idea to make the game feel more comfortable for me as this habit comes from Pokemon.


if you hold B or X (whatever sheild is) it make text go by faster

i would like an option to go back in text (think paper mario)