Deleted Post said:Deleted by BlueOnion439, Today at 8:33 AM, Reason: I fixed this problem.
The problem from that deleted post, or the problem with the fonts?
And it seems that the Visual Studio Express download link, which was a first prerequisite program in translation tool, is down. (The 'download VStudio C# Express' button)
Hey!Hello, it's me again. I am currently working on the 0.99g patch, knowing that I can now translate parts that were previously untranslatable.
However, the font problem I mentioned last time was holding me back again. That's because it's impossible to replace it with another word this time...
It is impossible to install the file in the prerequisites, and the link to the VS2017 with xna file that previously solved the problem (content of thread #37) seems to have expired, so I have no solution. If you still have the files you uploaded before, could you please share them?
Luckily, the page is still archived:
(The above link might need to be downloaded by copypasting it into your address bar due to hotlink protection on the site)
And if you need the text instructions you can find them below!
Visual Studio 2017 XNA Setup – FlatRedBall
But will that help with your problem with the fonts? I hope so, but if not, perhaps I could help you generate them!