Hydra boss is a bit of a long grind


Even once you've gotten the hang of it, and gotten into the perfect rhythm (move right, avoid freeze beam, dodge summer head, level 0 earth spike it, perfect shield autumn head, level 2 earth spike it, move right, avoid freeze beam, dodge summer head, level 0 earth spike it, perfect shield autumn head, level 2 earth spike it, you get the idea) it's a pretty long fight (on Hard, what I was playing it on. I haven't tried Normal) especially once you're down to the last head (DOUBLY especially if the last head is the Winter head and just takes forever to finish its beam attack)

You've basically proven you can do the fight by about 60-70% through it, so could they have their health nerfed by about 20%?

(But then again, this was after my party member died and I was doing the fight alone apart from my bawss sunflower, it might not be so bad after all, IF THAT WINTER HYDRA WOULDN'T DO LIKE 4 BEAM ATTACKS IN A ROW)


Green Slime
The scoundrel shoes really makes this fight a lot easier. Wear the shoes, make it winter, dodge the beam and the fight is cake even with the increased aggression on the winter head's part.


I didn't ask for advice, (as I can practically no-damage clear it) and I'm not complaining about difficulty, I'm complaining about length.

The winter hydra takes forever to finish its attack, and regardless of how easy or difficult it is to dodge its beam, you are still unable to deal it any damage until the fickle gods of RNG decide to tell it to do its head bash.
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