Multiplayer seems to be out of sync


Green Slime
I hosted the game and played with a friend online. While I had no issues he had many problems with the game being out of sync. For example enemies would hit him without being close to him or without playing the proper animation or their animation getting stuck for some time. Sometimes sprites that should disappear after a short time (like projectiles) would stay in his world forever. It feels like the game does not care about packet loss or something. Right now it is unplayable for him. Any ideas what we could try? We play other games as well and we never have connections issues.


Green Slime
Had a similar case as above with my friend. We are playing the frontline version. The issue would happen with the person that joins the lobby, not the host.

Similar symptoms: me being hit by 'nothing', enemies being in a different spot for each of us (specially Mimic boss, Mimic is a 100% bugged for Multiplayer, I faced this every time).


Green Slime

CO-OP Multiplayer lagging, desync, monster spawn too much and didn't really get real drop
we were playing 4 players, each player ping 70 to 120. this is ok for most game
some players are warping
some player claiming their health is remaining but already dead from nothing
most monster was ghost and drop weren't real
host is all fine.

please optimize networking!