Please Help! (Game Breaking Bug)


Green Slime

I was very excited to get this game, and while I was waiting for some pending transactions, I saw that there was a demo. I downloaded the demo, played the game for about a minute, and then went back to the home screen to change some settings. I was slightly annoyed that there was no mouse, so I wondered if there was a way to change that under control settings. I tried changing the "Keyboard" option, but I was stupid and it did nothing. I ended up changing the "Up" key to "Z", which is the select key. When I did that, there was no "Select" key, and I couldn't select anything. I went back to the home screen, and then I realized I couldn't select anything. I was in full screen, so the only way to exit the game was by pressing the "Start" key. The "Select" key was set to "Rig", and I tried pressing every key on the keyboard, and nothing worked. I even tried looking up on the Internet what the "Rig" key was. Eventually, I decided to delete the game and reinstall, hoping that would reset the settings, but it didn't! After that, I decided I would just buy the game itself. When I opened it, I was all excited that I would finally be able to play the game! Then, the most horrible thing happened! The options were the same in the demo, the select key was still broken! I tried everything I could to fix it, but nothing worked. After that, I came here. I hope some people can help, because I really want to play this awesome game.
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Either plug in a controller and use that to change the settings or, go to your steam library and delete local content. =)


Oh and while your in steam make sure to change under the betas tab to frontline ;) , more bugs quicker updates :p and nothing is really "bugged" to much right now.


Green Slime
Either plug in a controller and use that to change the settings or, go to your steam library and delete local content. =)
I deleted local content multiple times over, and nothing happened. Also, I don't have a controller. #PCMasterRace


Try going and removing completly from steam and appdata folder, settings are stored somewhere :p. They are not stored online.


Green Slime
In future, the file you need to delete to reset key bindings is "config.txt" :p
Yeah, as soon I saw that under AppData, I knew it was the right place. I;m not used to Steam gammes keepping their files under there, so I was a little surprised to see it there.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
The appdata folder may be used for game storage to make sure it doesn't matter where the ROM (read only memory - stuff that shouldn't be edited, apart from by game updates) is stored. That way both the SoG demo and full version both know exactly where your files are, and allowed me to move straight on from where I left off :p

It's unusual to see it with games on Steam though. I think Grindea does it so the Steam version and DRM-free version can refer to the same files - I may be wrong though.