Found some things:
While having 1H sword equipped and doing the dodging and switching to a 2H will stop the attack ( but consumes EP ... )
idk if it works with the dash too and if so will it consume EP? if not faster way to travel
speaking of faster way to travel:
is the backjumping switching weapon thingy (meantioned above) faster than dashing/walking... i know it consumes EP but dashing too ;D maybe for TAS runs it might be helpful
speaking of TAS:
does any1 tried to start a TAS run on that game? i streamed yesterday to get this backjumping going but it dont want to work now i want to make a makro if you press "left" he turns right and do the backjumping once and after that only the backjumping without the turn right thing
the reason why i want this turn right thing is if you look up he will go down. so the controls for walking will be inverted
but yeah ill try and test that if dashing is faster than this
it looks really cool if its done multiple times
( i mean the dodging method
@Teddy i cant see a difference between my unpreloaded loadingtimes and preloaded... maybe its too small
and adds up in the end
but it loads everything so it works
( it shows up some random pictures
and counts in chat to OVER 9000