Silver Charge Earth Spike to be able to hit flying enemies

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Seen as there's so few high-up flying enemies in the game (only ones I can think of are Mrs. Bee and a flying Pecko) it might be a neat idea to let the silver charge Earth Spike be able to hit them. At the moment in-game, it goes up that far anyway:


I'd say if this was then added, to make the gold charge actually knock it out of the air. Obviously that wouldn't work with the Pecko seen as it's a heavy enemy, so instead make it stun it in mid air such that it stops for a second and a half, or have it land prematurely.

Might not be a good idea as then people might complain they can't hit it with a meteor or gold charge ice spikes... But it might be something worth considering, incase more out-of-reach flying enemies are added :D


The Air spellset gives a flying-destroyer, so why not? Maybe silver charge of ice spikes SHOULD hit flying?


Green Slime
Yes, the Meteor stone falling from the sky should definitely hit enemies it passes through on the way down, such as bees, peko-peko birds, and hopping Giga Slimes


Green Slime
When I started to play the game I selected the meteor because I thought it should hit flying enemies.
It would nerf bees in arcade mode which is awesome.