[Visual] Stay a Ghost after being revived

So, when my friends and I were playing, we often died because of... hm... reasons.. >w<

But then, the only way to get ressurected is to pray in the door (since there is monsters everywhere).
So when we revive each other, we are both on the door so we are warped to the next room, but for some reasons, everytime we do this, my friend always see the one who've just been revived still in ghost form!

Extra info: I've always been the host, and this only happened to him. (Connection problem?)


Green Slime
I died (client), host tried to revive me while at the border of the area. When the meter filled it went to the next area, but on his screen I was revived but on my screen I was a ghost. We couldn't revive my ghost self either.

I just bought the game today through steam, so I assume I'm on Stable Beta.


Giga Slime
I am not sure if this was reported yet, and I have checked.
(I may have possibly missed it. So please excuse that.)
I wasn't sure which to list this as, so I listed it as both a gameplay bug and visual.

I have ran into a bug with a few people the past few days.

One is being when I either go into ghost form. (You know, when you die, haha.) When I am revived. My friend will say I am still a ghost on their screen, and will turn human only when doing attacks.

Another is when I revive a player, they'll remain a ghost on their screen and may be able to do some attacks, or not able to do anything at all. The only "fix" I've seen is closing out the game/restarting the server.
Though on my screen, they will remain in their human form and not a ghost at all.

I'd also like to add in, this happened when we were standing on the edge of a room, the part where you need to gather the rest of your "team" to enter another area. It seems like the second said person was revived, we changed rooms. So perhaps they triggered it.

I do apologize if these have been reported before, I may have simply missed it.
I thought I'd bring it to the developers attention anyhow.
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