[VISUAL] The bish-urse

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Took a bet from a bishop. Managed to win it, but when he came to give his reward, a nurse was there too, so I managed to get one on top of the other :/ Was too slow to get a screenshot of them both, but I have a nurse with a health orb next to her (him? they? it?):

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Hey, first of all i,d like to say that your game is an absolute master piece. This is honestly the best 16$ I've ever spent in a game. You revived my gamer's flame that was dead for over a year now.

(I really want to improve this game, so if there's anything I can do, let me know, I am english-french bilingual so I could help translating the game).

Anyway, this is not my problem here.

I was playing in arcade mode, and somethime you get this hooded man that gives you a challenge. Well, I accepted his challenge, and I accomplished it like a boss. But then, next room, the medic appeared too and made the hooded man disappear without even giving me my reward (since I couldn't talk to him).

I think that's about it.

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-Manned Tooth


You don't talk to him for your reward, he just drops it. It can be a piece of loot or a health orb. Are you sure no gear dropped at the end of that fight?

I've gotten Bishop and Nurse in the same room before and they've never conflicted with each other forme.
Not 100% sure, but I don't remember getting an item. All I can remember is seeing his vanishing animation behind the medic and leaving.