What kind of Collector?


A mildly silly question, but nevertheless, I shall ask it.

I was playing Secrets of Grindea not a long time ago when a question strikes me. What kind of collectors are the Collectors? The one that collects all kinds of items throughout grinding and etc. or the kind that collects rare items, relics and cards? I would be very pleased if someone could answer this to me.



From the looks of things, Collectors are people who explore the world for powerful treasures and return them to the Collector's HQ. No idea what they want them for, though.

Everything strongly reminds me of Balamb Garden and the SEEDs from Final Fantasy 8.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I would say that the collectors are instrested in all kinds of things but ofc the better the loot is the more sought after it becomes. I think that the reason we hand in the very important and rare loot to the collectors HQ is to identify it and make sure it's not lost. :p I guess we all get to choose what type of collector we want to be in the game, some like to collect all the rare items, some collect the cards and some gather everything. :D