Recent content by Hozuki

  1. Hozuki

    [Feedback] Arcade mode - Chicken Herding (Challenge)

    This is not a screengap of the exact spot they were stuck though. Edit: But it seems I just need to learn it more then
  2. Hozuki

    [Feedback] Arcade mode - Chicken Herding (Challenge)

    Another feedback post by me: I found myself frustrated with these as the chickens sometimes tend to get stuck in a corner and are extremely hard to remove as they then just stick close to the edge of the walkable space from which I can't seem to remove them. Am I missing something? I would...
  3. Hozuki

    [Feedback] Personal Feedback thread

    Yikes! Forgot to check the rules, sorry! Do you want me to repost each idea into a new thread and delete this one or should I just put other suggestions in new threads and rename this thread to something like "[Feedback ]permanently hiding head/facegear & blockingmechanism" Sorry & kind regards
  4. Hozuki

    [Feedback] Personal Feedback thread

    The way you say it this form of blocking makes sense too. Maybe I just need to wrap my head around it (: Yes, I'd really appreciate that change, and it should be a very simple one too
  5. Hozuki

    [Feedback] Personal Feedback thread

    Hello fellow Grindean People, I enjoyed the game very much so far! Big ups to the devs! I played the story to its current "end" twice and put a couple hours into the arcade mode to (about 50 Grindea angles-statues) I plan on adding a list of suggestions or improvements that I see fitting...