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  1. Sekibanki

    Making Smash more fun / useable: Smashballs.

    Speaking of frosty friend and smash, I think you should definitely be able send frosty friend flying with smash. It would be a simple way to give smash a boost, and being able to use different skill in combination seems like a fun addition.
  2. Sekibanki

    The Ultimate Talent Suggestion Thread!!!

    I'd like a skill that rewards proper use of 2 handed shield cancelling, so maybe something like. Iai - If attacking very shortly after lowering your shield you gain X% crit or attack
  3. Sekibanki

    Arcade mode Highscores

    The frosty friend buff is awesome, I just beat winter with it and beat my old high score by a bit. I also got pure S rank times on F13, took to much damage to S rank the floor but it's definitely possible now. Edit: Finally back in first for now, I feel a little guilty for abusing how op frosty...
  4. Sekibanki

    Arcade mode Highscores

    After all this time I finally beat arcade mode winter. It just took one really good run and I finished with potions to spare.
  5. Sekibanki

    Insect swarm improvement

    I really like insect swarm as a spell but not it's reputation as spray and run easy mode, so I was thinking that maybe if when you attacked an enemy covered in flies they got a damage boost for a little while and maybe regained their old slow effect. This would mean you need to fight along side...
  6. Sekibanki

    Brainstorm: What's wrong with Shadowclone? How do you fix it?

    Of these 5 sounds the best to me, alternatively Shadowclone could deactivate after you take X number of hits. Something I've thought about for a while is if it locked out a percentage of your max HP as well or instead.
  7. Sekibanki

    Reset pet levels

    I think there needs to be a way to reset your pets level. My main character's pets have their levels spread over multiple stats so I can't level any one stat high enough to be useful. Maybe have it so you can talk to Oak to release a pet and he gives you a replacement pet bait.
  8. Sekibanki

    [Gameplay]Impossible to progress at Toy's factory (Arcade)

    Yeah I just had this happen as well.
  9. Sekibanki

    Arcade mode Highscores

    You fight Marino on floor 9 now, don't know if there's someone else to fight there just yet. Edit: The other boss for floors 9 and 10 is the toy machine. And my new high score is 1062469. Was so close to beating the Hydra, at least I cleared a million.
  10. Sekibanki

    Arcade mode Highscores

    Now that the arcade mode updates are out it's as good a time as ever to start a highscore thread. There was an old one but it's been dead for a year, anyway here we go. 710482 - Used insect swarm and finally beat floor 9. Should probably limit it to v0.599d scores.
  11. Sekibanki

    Arcade Survival Guide: Shadow Assassin.

    I've seen Elite Frostling Scoundrels and they throw 5 snowballs just like Lantern Jacks, this applies to their big snowballs as well. I killed them with swarm so I'm not sure if you can still stunlock them. On the topic of Vilya being easy maybe if she a choice of two types of dashes, the...
  12. Sekibanki

    [Feedback Request] Arcade Mode - Thoughts on long term balance

    I don't want to be that guy cause I'll probably be using as many potions as the next person, but could you make it so that using potions lowers your score by a bit. I just feel that someone who could beat arcade mode without using potions should have a higher highscore than someone who used say...
  13. Sekibanki

    [Feedback Request] Arcade Mode - Thoughts on long term balance

    While I don't mind the idea of continues I think they should only be useful for practising floors you tend to die on. So if you use a continue you shouldn't earn any essence, that runs score shouldn't be added to the total, and it should cancel any quests you have active. Maybe I'm being harsh...
  14. Sekibanki

    Something Silly I thought would work

    Seems like the little guy isn't hungry.
  15. Sekibanki

    My hand speed could not fully exert the ASPD

    I've never really tried an ASPD build, but I agree that above a certain speed it would be a nice touch to switch to holding the button to attack to keep increasing ASPD from becoming useless.
  16. Sekibanki

    [Gameplay] No reward for 1000 points in Arena

    When you earn the pope hat and the crown in the same arena match you only get given the pope hat. It's not a big problem because you get the crown the next time you win an arena match.
  17. Sekibanki

    [Gameplay] Arcade mode - empty room in Pumpkin Woods

    I'd just like to add that the question mark rooms on floors 9 and probably 10 have nothing in them either. Probably on purpose because the area isn't finished yet.
  18. Sekibanki

    [Gameplay] Fae elder fight not ending

    Yeah I was using the burning weapon talent, and I did skip the cut scene. It probably doesn't matter but autumn died in one hit just after this screenshot.
  19. Sekibanki

    [Gameplay] Fae elder fight not ending

    I won the fight with Summer and Autumn, but after the cut scene Autumn was still attacking me. I think it might be because I overkilled Summer by so much.
  20. Sekibanki

    [Visual] Stuck being green when I interrupt charged insect swarm

    If I interrupt attacking with a silver charged insect swam by using another skill I will get stuck being green until I use insect swarm again or charge a different skill. frontline 0.580b