Arcade mode unlocks?


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
O MAH GAD, FINALLY! The Red King lies in the dust. I wanted to do it with a 2-handed "build" and I finally did it. I was so bad at Arcade Mode that I actually got the quest for him before I have ever been beyond the 4th floor by just starting over and over again - I didn't even know what the Red Slime exactly was until someone mentioned it in another topic, but as soon as I met him, it kinda pulled me towards trying again and again until I get this right. And no, I did not watch any guides for it since I prefer to figure out things myself and do them my way. Even though the ending was really sloppy since I got mighty nervous because it was going so well, but whatevs: win is win! Yay \o/




I beat it as well, finally.

Here was my strategy:

1 point in dodging strike, the rest go into the shadow thing.

3 points in backhander (or whatever the passive is that grants more dmg on every other swing) and remaining 2 points go into the passive which grants 1 ep (per point) per swing. I found this realllly helped deal with the issue if running out of EP for dodging strike during the fight (if you don't do enough dmg in time)

gold can go towards more dmg if possible, but it also helps to get the +15 EP amulet (or 2). If you're lucky you'll find the +attack ring or ribbon but of course you can't really control for that.

Defense doesn't really matter at all and if you were confident enough, the most optimal route would probably be to get the +dmg when health below 20% skill instead of backhander, and fight at low health.

Thanks for all the help.


Yes. Actually, I've been using the cloud summon as well but I think I'll be replacing that with the shadow or maybe even haste *shrug*

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
He'll actually get kinda annoying when trying to fight Red Gigaslime. The best known way to fight it is to use Dodging Strike, seen as you can dodge it's ground pound. This means you can concentrate the slime into a very small area. @d_nlo has done a guide on that, which might help you now you've got the knack of the mode :p


I think you misread me or we misunderstood each other. I didn't use any summons vs the red gigaslime and did follow the guide. I added my own slight deviation above which allowed for me to not run out of EP as easily