Increase the drop rates of certain items

The reason for this is that currently, the best way to get some rare items is grinding presents, this really shouldn't be the case, if you want a certain creature drop, you should go hunt that creature, not grind presents.

Items I especially notice this issue with are:
- Crystals
- Turkeys


Giga Slime
But the game is called Secrets of GRINDea. It's all about grinding. And to be honest, I have never grinded presents for turkeys. Just did it the conventional way of killing the birds in the Flying Fortress. Grinding is fun! :)

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
^ he's got a point. The pixel ferrets would have failed in creating a good game if it wasn't enjoyable to do what it says in the title :p

I still think it's probably a minor issue though. The better fix might be to remove said drops from presents, seen as they're intended as rare drops. Next time I want a laser sword though, I know what to grind :D
I know it's about grinding, but...Just removing the drops from presents alone won't do, the drops should be increased a bit, because I was grinding for over 8 hours, the guardians were sort of fun, but even then 8 hours was just too long to the point that it got boring, it shouldn't go for that long.
What took 8 hours to get?
The two items (Turkey, Crystal) with getting them the "normal" way.

It was much faster getting them from presents, so fast that one of my characters got so many of them that he could give them away. (He had about 9 Crystals, and 4 Turkeys.)
Sounds like absurdly poor luck, then.
I couldn't find the drop rates online so I don't know exactly how poor my luck was, but if grinding is gonna be like this and be skewed to RNG rather than skill of fighting with said enemy you grind, I'm just gonna play through Normal and not bother with Hard.

First off I'll say this: RNG and grinding are my top 2 hated things in video games, so my opinion is going to be very one-sided. (I now question why I got this game, oh right, I was told it's fun by someone who hates grinding.)
With that out of the way...

Having drop rates increase per elite you kill might be a solution, maybe by 1.25x the base amount. (For example, 1% drop turns into, per elite kill, 1.25%, 1.5%, 1.75%, etc.)
This would of course reset when you leave the room or die.

Ideally, the drop would be pretty much a guaranteed drop around when the grinding turns boring, probably around 12 hours. (8 is for people like me who hate grinding, so I'd assume 12 is better.)

Grinding shouldn't completely disappear, as it is fun, but to a certain extent it becomes stale, like watching the same funny youtube video over and over.


All of my grinding experience (minus the shawl because it had super low drop rate by accident) have taken less than 2 hours for a given enemy drop-list (cards + weapon/other rare drops). Pecko was a bit difficult but only because of the card (for me)

I think 8 hours is absurd for one drop in this game, and I think you were simply completely unlucky. It has to happen to someone, after all.

I like the idea of increased drop chance as you kill more elites but don't really think it's necessary.
I like the idea of increased drop chance as you kill more elites but don't really think it's necessary.
I think it is, because even if it's a small number of players who spend lots of hours on (unlucky) drops, it shouldn't ever get to that point of boredom, if a game becomes boring from an issue, that issue should be solved, period, even if it's for a very small minority of players.