Oh, yeah, I still don't know why YouTube doubles the video. It's 2 minutes before uploading, 4 after.
That's... genuinely quite confusing. Pretty baffled at that!
I have to say that system's looking pretty good now! I can see what's going on quite clearly with those damage numbers. Much improved, looking forward to seeing what else you can do with it
As for the glyphs, I never got them sorted. It wasn't worth chasing up as I didn't lose too much work, so I never bothered asking around anywhere else other than here, nor did I do any Googling. That doesn't mean it's halted progress though - I found where the programming vibe went the other day, settled straight down and got a load done, and it hasn't worn off since
The developer tools are now in very much a working state, aside from the odd graphical bug that is so minimal that I can't be bothered to fix it. There was this huge issue I was having where it took two whole seconds to update the graphics of my window if I was changing all the letters which I managed to fix yesterday, with a simple repaint() method. Now it takes just 0.2 seconds, meaning loading times will be practically non-existent and I can put off learning thread management even longer! Yay!
I've got a bit of artwork to show off as well, though I'm waiting to implement a couple extra features into the dev tools and a couple things with event handlers (clicks and key presses) before I really start working. I've got a pretty polished tech-demo screen here, which I've spent quite a while redrawing until I got something I liked. After not liking the look of a circuit board-type layout I decided to take some inspiration from a CPU and came up with this:
^ Please click to expand that, looks terrible without
I believe I've also increased the brightness of the green a little as well, it looked a bit too grey last time, but now it pops a bit more.
We've got 5 main elements here - the output box, the buttons, the timer, the notepad and the auto-notepad. The output box is the thing with the letters in the middle. That's the one in which you're gonna try to match your four letters for the bike lock code. The buttons are either side of the output box, and are what you use as the inputs. The timer is up the top, and will give a fixed time limit for each level, if you decide to turn it on in the options menu (coming soon!).
The notepad is the thing with the Ms on the right. It'll be blank on startup. It works by registering keyboard presses and putting the relevant letter in one of the boxes. If you press that button again, the letter stays there, but scored out (to show that it's present, but it doesn't appear in one of the output sections). You press it once more and it disappears altogether. The cycle repeats.
The auto-notepad is the thing on the left. It does the same thing as the notepad, but automatically, while also showing you in which order the letters appear. I might add an option for the middleground as well, where it automatically fills in, but uses the one on the right instead of the one on the left. You can either have one of the auto-notepad or the notepad active at once, or neither of them.
Aside from a couple graphical upgrades (the odd bolt, maybe a few capacitors), that's basically all I wanted to add to this. If I keep up the programming high I might have a load more done in the next month or so
[Edit]: Oh I also forgot to mention that I've added a different saving/loading system. Whether it still ends up resulting in those issues I'm not sure, but at least now I can save sections of and load bits onto the table, rather than the whole thing.