Making fishing startup less annoying


I don't mean the act of fishing itself. While I don't find it particularly fun it's not bad and it does take some skill. I still mess up after 10s of hours of arcade mode.

What I'd like to be fixed is the start up of fishing itself! The "Action button" part seems to require you to stop moving, but by the time I stop moving around a fishing hole, it often disappears. It's really frustrating to waste 3-4 seconds (especially in arcade) just to start the fishing animation.

The easy fix for this would be to make the bubble appear for 1 extra second. That should be plenty of time.

Do others have this difficulty as well?

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
The options only seem to be small areas designated around the 4 straight sides of the pond. Seen as all ponds are the same shape, I have exactly the same spot I go to each time. It's on the top and it's in a small divet. The reason I always choose the top is because I cancel out of the "Look what I got!" animation, which always faces the character South. This sets me straight up for another fish, and using this strategy can get you 4 pieces of loot if you're very lucky.

In terms of the actual fishing startup, a big strip along the 4 straight edges would work better, rather than the small area. You just need to find the right spot. The stopping isn't too difficult once you know what you're doing.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Mmhmm. It would be much more obvious if I didn't have the pumpkin mask on, which I only realised after I'd recorded the video :oops:


Ah I see. I'll have to try it later tonight or something. I mean, even if I never get 4 fish it would be nice to more consistently get 3 fish if I time my mistake horribly (half-way through catching)

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
I'm more focussed on trying to get an item out of the pond, rather than a fish. There's a certain size bar that you can get items and essence from and I always cancel out if I don't see that size bar. It's a middle sized one.


There are three sizes: Big bar, medium bar and small bar.
Big and small bar always give you fish, depending on the floor you're on it's always the same.

For example in Evergrind Forest big bar always has a whimp (sellable for 10G) and the small bar always has an Eel (75G).
In Pumpkin Woods it's the same with Dead Fish (20G) and Frankenfish (200G).

So the fish you can obtain with the small bar always gives you a reasonable amount of money whereas the big bar fish are hardly worth the effort.
Medium bar size gives you random fish from that area and those items you're looking for :D

I think the fishes that go with the bar sizes are corresponding to the ones in story mode (the bar size varies in story mode as well ;) ).
Though in the Evergrind Forest fishing ponds there are both fish from Pillar Mountains and Evergrind Fields, I think Devs put those two fishing areas from story mode together in arcade mode.

Disclaimer: I've only come up to floor 8 so far :(, can't say anything about what's happening above...
...Cry... T_T wish me luck :p


Now that you mention it -
did you explain your 2H build in detail anywhere? I'd be interested :D
I'm still experimenting around with various builds.
In the moment I go with a lot of passive skills (ff and cloud) because my hardware is outdated and makes the game stutter which makes arcade a challenge in it's own right.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
It's not really a build built to do well. It's intentionally built around basic 2H attacks to prove a point that 2H swords are significantly more OP than 1H swords, which some people don't want to believe. Either way, it uses Protect, Haste, Strength, Brawler and a lot of attack cancelling. Once you've made it past the Pumpking it's pretty much a straight run to Séasònnë. Haven't managed to make it past SmashieBashie or Marino yet, but that's only after about 10 hours experience with a 2H sword in Arcade, so it's already significantly quicker than the time it took me to get to Winter with a 1H sword.


There's also the trick of catching the fish right at the sound, rather than after. Pretty sure a player could do it before the sound if their timing was great. Each "fish caught" is pretty much at the same time interval.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime



If you shield cancel before the items appears above you it just does count. As soon as you can see something it is safe to shield cancel. If this doesn't help then give more information.


I use shield button to fish.

I THINK I cancelled something (I had to use a skill then shield I THINK) but I'm not sure if I got the item or not. Maybe I should test next time there is a shop or something so I can more easily keep track...

Also, there is at least one medium size that gives fish, btw.