Set up?


Green Slime
Hello all, I'm curious as of what set up all of you use. I know the most popular one is the shadowclone version.
After looking it up it seemed the one with the biggest output damage because of how fast you can hit also combined with crits and the laser sword which has even more attack than the smashlight. You would think a two handed weapon would be stronger right?

I'd like to see if people use other builds, magic perhaps?
Myself I use the Smashlight and go for attack. I'm not really a fan of the one-handed weapons as they don't cover much of an area. I like the area clears that you get from the whirlslash and it's a play style that I'm very comfortable with, timing the hits since it's a slower weapon.

Curious to see what everyone uses. For me it's the same in Arcade and Story mode. But as I went through the bosses I definitely understand how the shadow clone version burts out more damage against bosses. I guess both have their ups and downs.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I've heard about someone using a pretty crazy combo where he uses the key bindings to switch between one handed and two handed. He used Titan Throw for main damage and after he had thrown his weapon away he then switched to 1 handed and used Piercing Dash to quickly pick up his weapon again. It might not be the most efficient build but it looks cool as hell.


Staff member
As of now, the Shadow Clone seems to be the most effective skill which is a bit saddening. It's one of the easiest skills to use (just go in and mash!) and it yields the best result in terms of pure damage. Although in Arcade Mode there are much more useful skills, Shadow Clone is kinda in a league of its own in Story.

That being said, we are planning on re balance and rework some of the skills, probably after the Temple of Seasons is fully implemented into the game. Adding the Gold Charge for all of the skills and totally reworking the Support tree is also on the agenda, so hopefully we'll be able to stir the pot of the top tier builds a bit!

Anyway, my favorite builds! I play a lot of Arcade Mode and burn through the Story Mode every now and then and experiment with different builds most of the time.

One of my favorites are a Flame Thrower crit build, which is exactly that it sounds like. With some good MATK and perfect guarding you'll be able to dish out huuuge burst of damage in short instances. If you're good with your perfect guards, you'll have some decent mobility in combat when you hit the Silver Charge.

Whirlslash is another favorite because of its versatility. In Arcade it's extremely useful when cleaning up rooms, the Silver Charge knocks back enemies as well as dealing a good amount of damage. It's easy to position yourself in combat because of how fast the skill pops out. As with the Flame Thrower, good perfect guarding is key to maximize your damage output and mobility!

I think one skill people tend to overlook is the old king of the skills, the Fireball! In early versions of the game it was by fair, together with the Ice Spike, the best DPS skill in the game. It's a bit weaker nowadays, but the payoff comes in form a great mobility and distance in combat (Teddy talked a bit about how distance plays a major factor in SoG in this post).

Just go full out MATK. The Manaburn Talent is incredibly useful because of how fast you can burn through EP.
If you ever get full MATK gear (Ruby Rod, Blue Ring, Glasses etc) when playing Arcade, the Fireball becomes a world beater. Once you reach the Flying Temple or even the Halloween floors, you can do around 400 damage per fireball and still have the best mobility in the game. It also becomes more of a risk, less of a reward to play aggressive and "in yo face" the further you get in Arcade, because of sparse health and high damage output from enemies. So the distance is truly a life saver!

I play with pretty much all skills and have found good use for most builds. I am really looking forward to rework some of the skills though (talking to you, Shadow Clones and Insect Swarm!). It feels like we have a much better grasp of how the game actually plays now that we've added some more difficult areas. Most of the skills were created when we only had the really early parts of the game, I think even before Flying Temple even existed. Now we're able to spot skills that early on felt balance out but once you reached higher levels became over powered, like the Insect Swarm.

The lenght of this post i starting to distrub me. Looking forward to seeing what kind of cool builds you guys come up with!


Green Slime
Easiest magic build : insect swarm + cloud
Shadow clone build: shadowclone + insult to injury + both debuff traits
CC build: ice spike + ice nova + flamethrower