Version 0.650a


Yeah, I was listening to that stream and felt bad for the guy who didn't get the final piece. He sounded so bummed out. :/ The only way he's getting it now is running through the game singleplayer from the beginning and redoing the entire obstacle course.


Giga Slime
The only way he's getting it now is running through the game singleplayer from the beginning and redoing the entire obstacle course.
Hey, it's good exercise, maybe he'll learn something :D He may need it, he was really bad at Trick Phasing...


Staff member
Do you think it's worth reworking chests so that everyone has to open them to get the loot inside? Or, if someone logs in and hasn't had the flag for that chest triggered for their character, it appears closed to them and is openable for them to get the loot from?

Yes, actually! It's been a topic of "should discuss" for a while now, together with the old issue of "should players be able to receive doubles of unique chest items by joining a multiplayer session?"

We finally did discuss it this morning, and the implementation we're likely to go for is:

For unique items, I can just use the "discovered" information to determine whether or not someone has opened a chest. For consumables and gold, the world flag will still be used (so the unlucky few disconnecting right before a gold chest will have the terrible misfortune of missing out). This is slightly suboptimal but it's a rare case where things go wrong, and losing out on some potions isn't as big a deal as missing out on good gear or unique fun stuff. We're going for that version because it works on top of the current systems.

As for the multiplayer party-reward chests, we'll keep that feature for now. Yes, it's a slight shame if multiple people with nearly equal skill attempts it and some dude flukes through the phase shift stuff and diminishes the end reward for his friends. I don't think that's quite as bad as the scenario where the slowest person must concede the reward or suffer through not only being bad at the challenge, but also slowing his friends down! That person might be ridiculed and bullied by his friends, who then spread rumors about him in school. Even the teachers might join in, calling him "Phase-Less Al" and failing him in all his classes, despite him being a straight-A kind of kid before. Seeking solace in his father's wine bottles, the kid becomes an alcoholic bum at the age of 14, and the rest of his tragic story I won't suffer upon you. The child's name? Albert Einstein Jr., who would've discovered the Theory of Super Specific Relativity, if not for that stupid, optional puzzle-challenge his friends wanted to try out!

That's the kind of world I imagine if we remove the party-reward system, anyhow.

Side note: this will also have the added effect of making unique items truly unique, meaning no more 2 x Earrings of Balance! I'm pretty sure you've been a proponent of that feature in days of yore?

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Hey, we've got a setting for item sharing in the multiplayer lobby. Why not have it so Round Robin gives everyone the chest rewards, yet Each Take sets it so everyone has to open the chest?

On the topic of that, I've had a great moment where I get a barrel shield to drop from a barrel and then someone else in the lobby picks it up, which is annoying, especially when they kept it. We were on Round Robin, and they weren't distributed one each. Is that a bug? If not, can we make it a client side only drop?


Staff member
We were on Round Robin, and they weren't distributed one each. Is that a bug? If not, can we make it a client side only drop?

Round Robin is not an "everyone gets everything"-system; it's a rotating system that's supposed to distribute the loot evenly! You get one item, another person gets the next, and so on. It's basically there to counteract that the guy doing the melee fighting gets all the loot because he's always closest.

In theory a system could be added where participation decides which players get to roll on what loot, but it's a pretty significant feature which for now is not a priority to implement!


Giga Slime
That person might be ridiculed and bullied by his friends, who then spread rumors about him in school. Even the teachers might join in, calling him "Phase-Less Al" and failing him in all his classes, despite him being a straight-A kind of kid before. Seeking solace in his father's wine bottles, the kid becomes an alcoholic bum at the age of 14, and the rest of his tragic story I won't suffer upon you.
Hahahaha, this is golden.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
I don't think that's quite as bad as the scenario where the slowest person must concede the reward or suffer through not only being bad at the challenge, but also slowing his friends down! That person might be ridiculed and bullied by his friends, who then spread rumors about him in school. Even the teachers might join in, calling him "Phase-Less Al" and failing him in all his classes, despite him being a straight-A kind of kid before. Seeking solace in his father's wine bottles, the kid becomes an alcoholic bum at the age of 14, and the rest of his tragic story I won't suffer upon you. The child's name? Albert Einstein Jr., who would've discovered the Theory of Super Specific Relativity, if not for that stupid, optional puzzle-challenge his friends wanted to try out!
I'm not sure if I even want to try the new patch now. I'm scared. :chicken:


Side note: this will also have the added effect of making unique items truly unique, meaning no more 2 x Earrings of Balance! I'm pretty sure you've been a proponent of that feature in days of yore?

Yep! Doesn't mean I won't use them until they're no longer legit, though. :D

Though, aren't you going to have to set a flag to make Earrings of Balance, Witch Hat, Blindfold, Fish Hat, etc as non-droppable items if they're truly unique? Maybe add a little star icon on them to indicate they're 'soulbound'? Otherwise they could drop the item for a co-op buddy and never be able to have it again. Seems they ought to be either always in your inventory or sitting in Shady Merchant's buyback section when that update rolls around.


Oh, right. You can just make a second character, go to the temple for earings, then drop it for your main in local co-op to have two anyways.


You have no story quest after the festival ends to before you talk to dad in the HQ. Might want to put 'Talk to dad' in there, to ensure the main story quest is always present. So someone doesn't quit after the festival, come back a week later and go, "What was I doing?" :p


Small thing, but Chix is talking about your Chicken pet when it's equipped. However, I think he shouldn't when the pet is hidden, should he?