What sort of baddies or mechanics do you want to see in the final dungeon?


Personally, I want to see souped up versions of old enemies mixed alongside new ones. Things like:

Dark Knight - Black Season Temple Knight, possessing all their powers. Are you close to it? Summer slam, rocks fall from the ceiling ala Spinsect Boulder. A cardinal direction away from it? Winter dash, leaving behind ghostly black flames that drain HP and EP alike if touched. Anywhere else? Autumn spin, likewise leaving behind black flames.

Dark Wizard - Black Season Temple Wizard, possessing variations of their powers. Can summon a single purple tornado that leaves behind black flames where it travels across. Or create a large wreath of black flames around a target that last for # seconds. Or create a purple aura around a random enemy, making them stronger and faster?

Drake - A small dragon, Pecko-variation enemy. Notable changes being 1. Lunging it's head to snap it's teeth around a character, rather than pecking them three times. Characters chomped get stuck and chewed on, losing continual HP until they buttonmash free. 2. A tail that swipes side to side behind it, knocking away attackers. 3. If you flee from it and it takes flight, it spews flames down at you while flying after you.

Mitoslime - A Slime/Boar-variation enemy. In it's initial form it's the size of a boar, short-hopping around like a quick Gigaslime, slamming it's weight towards nearby characters like a boar's basic attack. Stay too far from it and it'll begin to spin in place like a wheel, then rocket towards you like a boar, leaving behind a trail of black, EP-draining sludge. Damage it enough and it'll split into two normal-sized black slimes that leave behind similar sludge when they hop.

Phantom - A Ghosty-variation enemy. Vanishes and reappears, but doesn't charge left and right. Tries to reappear behind characters, spewing a cone-shaped static-y beam of light at them for a few seconds before vanishing again. On top of taking damage, characters hit turn invisible for # seconds.

Blood Diamond - A Guardian-variation enemy, a white crystal with a core of red. Chooses a random enemy to tether to. Tethered enemies 1. Gain a deadly beam between them and the diamond. 2. A barrier that significantly reduces oncoming damage. 3. A vortex around them that slows anyone nearby trying to move away from the enemy.

War Bot - A Yeti/Brawler Bot-variation enemy. Yeti sized, floats and rockets around like a Brawler Bot. Smashes the ground, or attempts to grab nearby characters, spinning them rapidly around it and flinging them in a random direction similar to an Autumn Knight cyclone. Fires rocket fists at distant characters similar to sword toss. Explodes on death after 1-2 seconds, dealing damage to surrounding characters.

And in terms of mechanics... it would be nice to see it have multiple floor levels, with many different paths to take, some that may lead to dead ends, or trap rooms you can't escape from without clearing. Similar to arcade mode. Maybe even an arcade-style map in the corner. Some paths lead to treasure behind incredibly difficult puzzles, or lore, or other oddities. Anything to escape the over-linearity the other dungeons have. :p

A boss battle where Marino and Luke can actually fight alongside the main character as support would be pretty lovely too. :) Would go a long way in actually cementing them as helpful friends.


Giga Slime
That's a bit difficult to answer without knowing the theme. And I don't think I want to know the last dungeon's theme in case it's known already.

But this:
A boss battle where Marino and Luke can actually fight alongside the main character as support would be pretty lovely too. :) Would go a long way in actually cementing them as helpful friends.

I'd up that 50 times if I could. Would love to see that as well. Probably not in the final battle, but in an emotionally important one.


Maybe some mechanics, where you have some sort of significant object you have to move around, e.g. a keystone you need to push through multiple rooms or something similar to Season Orb that disrupts local space, and you have to move it around the whole dungeon to do different stuff. Alternatively, a variation of Own's idea, in which we have a yuge dungeon, composed of multiple sections, which have to be completed, but in arbitrary order.

Or, although it would be similar to 4th dungeon, I had an idea for things like "Soul Attractors". They would "collect" your soul when you die and transport you to a second (astral) plane of reality within the dungeon. That actually sounds like an interesting way to enter the upcoming Spirit World for the first time D:

many different paths to take, some that may lead to dead ends, or trap rooms you can't escape from without clearing.
That reminds me of Start Ocean on SNES. It had lots of pointless rooms for some reason.


I'd up that 50 times if I could. Would love to see that as well. Probably not in the final battle, but in an emotionally important one.

I'm almost certain Luke and Marino will tag-team up against us at some point in the game, before the end. Sort of like the end of Cave Story, when
the final boss puppets your closest friend and greatest rival to fight you.
:( https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NqhAjbBbt8o#t=228 Them teaming up to help you in a fight, or fighting you together, both seem like fantastic possible battles. Or both, maybe halfway through fighting with you they're turned against you. :D

That reminds me of Start Ocean on SNES. It had lots of pointless rooms for some reason.

A lot of older RPGs have dungeons like that. I'm not sure if it was to make everything in the final dungeon feel intimidating or to gradually wear you down the deeper and deeper in you wind, dwindling your resources and forcing you to eventually teleport out in fear of being wiped.

Of course... SoG has no resources to dwindle or penalty for death, so... I'm not sure if that still applies. "I guess I'll die here so I'll get full health" is a common theme. Maybe the final dungeon could spit you out at the entrance if you die to add that small layer of consequence.


A lot of older RPGs have dungeons like that.
I played many of them, and only Star Ocean was like this. It had lots of V E R Y L O N G branching corridors/series of rooms, so you had to walk for minutes dealing with random encounters (ugh) and in the end, they were empty. I definitely didn't play all of them, but most of games at least have some sort of reward in such situations. A chest with health potion, new weapon, 100G, anything even if meaningless. But in that game, there was actually nothing. Like, dead dead ends.


Green Slime
i would like to see the final dungeon take the games arcade mechanics and bring it to life in the game, you climb a huge tower with buffed enemies as was suggested by own, you keep all of your levels/equipment/cards and fight only new enemies climbing the tower, unlike in arcade mode the enemies are farmable for their cards, but only give the cards at a x10 chance (like a champion) and champion buffed enemies give a x100 chance (should be a quick way to pick up all the cards if you can survive) i have some speculation as to who/what the final boss will be, but dont know how to spoiler so i wont be posting here,


Green Slime
I think the final dungeon is going to be most akin to own's idea. Given it's the game's finale, I think it will be a gauntlet full of altered bosses & enemies from previous dungeons. I do recall the devs saying that they might do a variation of one of the early mini-bosses for the final dungeon.

As for what I think the setting is going to be,

I think it's going to be a sacred temple. Since you already have the four artifacts at this point, the final dungeon is likely the place you need to go to ressurect charolete. Unless something else happens that could lead to calamity, that's the player's main goal at this point.


Green Slime
my speculation has to do with those 4 artifacts, if you look carefully, they are the artifacts zhamla was wearing... when you defeat him, exactly 4 silhouettes are shown, 3 of them are recognizable, and then the elusive 4th one, my suspicion is along the lines of the fact they are connected to zhamla directly
As a note of something I don't want, is enemies that deal damage by slamming on the player. I honestly have no fun fighting them at all.

I'd personally love it if there was an enemy that used a skill set of one of your OTHER saves (or a default one if you don't own one), so my main character uses a 2h sword based around bashing stuff till it dies, but I have a second character who uses 1h weaponry and more evolved around dodging and combing abilities (Such as Dash + AOE Shadow).

Would it be easy to make it make sense lore wise? Probably not, but I think tis a cool idea anyway