The G-Meister Mar 28, 2016 3 hours later, I've finally ironed out a single screw up with a fan art. GG, G, GG >.<
The G-Meister Mar 25, 2016 Is there any reference-able article on how to restore backups? I know there's bits scattered around the forum here and there.
Is there any reference-able article on how to restore backups? I know there's bits scattered around the forum here and there.
The G-Meister Mar 18, 2016 This forum is one of the few places I actually use the emojis, simply because they're unrealistically over-expressive.
This forum is one of the few places I actually use the emojis, simply because they're unrealistically over-expressive.
The G-Meister Mar 15, 2016 I am now enlightened because I can pronounce the word floccinaucinihilipilification.
The G-Meister Mar 13, 2016 Only now do I realise how amazing the Christmas trees look. *melts in their beauty*
The G-Meister Mar 10, 2016 EA manage to squeeze micro transactions into literally everything... Including Tetris. Dammit, I've had enough of this *grabs GameBoy*
EA manage to squeeze micro transactions into literally everything... Including Tetris. Dammit, I've had enough of this *grabs GameBoy*
The G-Meister Mar 7, 2016 *sigh* 5 hours of writing later, there's your guide on how to use the forums... still partially unfinished xD
*sigh* 5 hours of writing later, there's your guide on how to use the forums... still partially unfinished xD
The G-Meister Mar 6, 2016 Would an FaQ about the forum and "How to use" article be useful? If so, "General Discussion" or "Anything Goes"?
Would an FaQ about the forum and "How to use" article be useful? If so, "General Discussion" or "Anything Goes"?
The G-Meister Mar 2, 2016 G's first rule of JavaScript - The first time you type something it will ALWAYS be wrong.
The G-Meister Feb 25, 2016 I'm either doing it wrong, or the defence calculations are a lot more complicated than I thought. :/
The G-Meister Feb 17, 2016 As is traditional with holidays abroad, I'm now ill. Airline food man, I swear ._.
The G-Meister Feb 14, 2016 Don't worry about finding all the easy bugs. I'll come through with my extremely fine tooth comb and bug repellent when I'm back from France
Don't worry about finding all the easy bugs. I'll come through with my extremely fine tooth comb and bug repellent when I'm back from France
The G-Meister Feb 10, 2016 I think SoG is my only steam game that doesn't launch Steam as well when I launch its .exe file with Steam closed. I like that.
I think SoG is my only steam game that doesn't launch Steam as well when I launch its .exe file with Steam closed. I like that.
The G-Meister Feb 8, 2016 Hey Devs, if you can drop the update before Saturday I'll be able to bugtest while I'm on holiday. No pressure
Hey Devs, if you can drop the update before Saturday I'll be able to bugtest while I'm on holiday. No pressure
The G-Meister Feb 3, 2016 Nearly finished my remix of the SoG miniboss theme - should be out within the next three weeks!
The G-Meister Feb 1, 2016 So apparently even if you copy-paste text into here you can't go over the character limit... Huh.