This is what the dialogue tool looks like:

Using the tool should be pretty straightforward. Enter a text in the text box and it shows up to the right!
When you're done with a dialogue line, you can switch to the next line with ALT + Right or by pressing the button.
When you're done with a dialogue entry, press CTRL + S to save and then ALT + Down, or click Next Unsaved, to skip to the first untranslated dialogue in the current region.
If you encounter a dialogue line which says <scripts>, just hit Save and ignore it.
When you're done with the translation, or your part of it if you're working in a team, click Save Project and close the program to return to the Translation Suite!
Conditionals are when a part of a dialogue line gets replaced depending on if the main character is a boy or a girl, or if you're playing in a party. They may look a bit intimidating at first, but they aren't that advanced.
Say you write a dialogue line that says: "Hey boy, get your rocks off!" That's all good and well, but since you can play as both a boy and a girl, this doesn't work. This is where conditionals are good.
Let's write "Hey [0], get your rocks off!" instead. The [0] will be our conditional key.
To add a new conditional, press the "New" button in the conditional window.
As a Key, enter the string to be replaced, which in this case would be [0]. You can actually use anything here, even regular words.
Below the key, there are a bunch of Conditions. Press a condition you want to be applicable, and then type something in the text box. In this case, we want to click "Local Char Boy" and type "boy", and "Local Char Girl" and type "girl".
This will make it so that if the player is a boy, the dialogue will say boy, and if it's a girl, it will say girl. We can also add a third conditional for if the game is in multiplayer. If we click "2+ Players" and type "kids", the dialogue will read "Hey kids, get your rocks off!" when two or more people are playing co-op.
Here's a list of all conditionals:
To check how the conditionals look in the real dialogue, use the options above the game window. Here you can specify various conditions and the dialogues below will update accordingly.
"Type" here means alphabet type. The default is roman, which should cover most European languages, like English, German, Spanish, Portuguese etc. I've also added cyrillic and greek. If your language has a different alphabet, please PM me and I'll try to add it!
Note that for some languages with a massive amount of symbols, like Chinese, Korean and Japanese, I can't add a universal spritefont for that. If you want to translate the game into one of these languages, you'll have to check out the Fonts tab in the Translation Suite!
When translating for a language that can't be displayed using one of the supplied alphabet (letters will appear as a bunch of ??? to the right), select Override. If you've compiled a font of your own, you can test that by selecting Custom.
This is what the dialogue tool looks like:

- Save the project
- Selecting a dialogue to translate - if a LocalID beings with * it means that dialogue has not been translated!
- If a dialogue has multiple lines, you can switch between them here (or by using CTRL + left or right)
- Click here to add conditional parts (more info below)
- Select parts of the text and click on the buttons to add color to that part
- The text box where you enter the translated text
- Various options telling the program how to behave, as well as selecting language regions
- Displays some basic info regarding the current translation project
- Shows the original line and the translated line as it would appear in-game
- Lets you specify a "narrative state", which will let you test conditional strings
- Notes regarding the current dialogue/line
Using the tool should be pretty straightforward. Enter a text in the text box and it shows up to the right!
When you're done with a dialogue line, you can switch to the next line with ALT + Right or by pressing the button.
When you're done with a dialogue entry, press CTRL + S to save and then ALT + Down, or click Next Unsaved, to skip to the first untranslated dialogue in the current region.
If you encounter a dialogue line which says <scripts>, just hit Save and ignore it.
When you're done with the translation, or your part of it if you're working in a team, click Save Project and close the program to return to the Translation Suite!
Conditionals are when a part of a dialogue line gets replaced depending on if the main character is a boy or a girl, or if you're playing in a party. They may look a bit intimidating at first, but they aren't that advanced.
Say you write a dialogue line that says: "Hey boy, get your rocks off!" That's all good and well, but since you can play as both a boy and a girl, this doesn't work. This is where conditionals are good.
Let's write "Hey [0], get your rocks off!" instead. The [0] will be our conditional key.
To add a new conditional, press the "New" button in the conditional window.
As a Key, enter the string to be replaced, which in this case would be [0]. You can actually use anything here, even regular words.
Below the key, there are a bunch of Conditions. Press a condition you want to be applicable, and then type something in the text box. In this case, we want to click "Local Char Boy" and type "boy", and "Local Char Girl" and type "girl".
This will make it so that if the player is a boy, the dialogue will say boy, and if it's a girl, it will say girl. We can also add a third conditional for if the game is in multiplayer. If we click "2+ Players" and type "kids", the dialogue will read "Hey kids, get your rocks off!" when two or more people are playing co-op.
Here's a list of all conditionals:
Local Char Boy: Is the character talking to the NPC a boy?
Local Char Girl: Is the character talking to the NPC a girl?
Main Char Boy: Is the hosting player a boy? If offline, this is the same as Local Char Boy.
Main Char Girl: Is the hosting player a girl? If offline, this is the same as Local Char Girl.
Is Main Char: Is the player who triggered the dialogue the hosting player? If offline, this is always true.
2 Players: Are exactly two players playing co-op?
2+ Players: Are two or more players in co-op?
3+ Players: Are three or more players in co-op?
All Male Party: Are there only males in the party?
All Female Party: Are there only females in the party?
Otherwise: If you add an "otherwise" conditional, if none of the other specified conditions are true, this will be used (like an else-statement in programming)
In general, multiplayer conditionals take precedence before offline conditionals, so if Local Char Boy and 2+ Players are set, the game will pick 2+ Players if you're playing multiplayer, regardless if you're playing as a boy or not.
Here's the priority list, from highest to lowest: 2 Players, 3+Players, 2+Players, Is Main Char, Main Char Boy, Main Char Girl, Local Char Boy, Local Char Girl, All Female Party, All Male Party, Otherwise
Local Char Girl: Is the character talking to the NPC a girl?
Main Char Boy: Is the hosting player a boy? If offline, this is the same as Local Char Boy.
Main Char Girl: Is the hosting player a girl? If offline, this is the same as Local Char Girl.
Is Main Char: Is the player who triggered the dialogue the hosting player? If offline, this is always true.
2 Players: Are exactly two players playing co-op?
2+ Players: Are two or more players in co-op?
3+ Players: Are three or more players in co-op?
All Male Party: Are there only males in the party?
All Female Party: Are there only females in the party?
Otherwise: If you add an "otherwise" conditional, if none of the other specified conditions are true, this will be used (like an else-statement in programming)
In general, multiplayer conditionals take precedence before offline conditionals, so if Local Char Boy and 2+ Players are set, the game will pick 2+ Players if you're playing multiplayer, regardless if you're playing as a boy or not.
Here's the priority list, from highest to lowest: 2 Players, 3+Players, 2+Players, Is Main Char, Main Char Boy, Main Char Girl, Local Char Boy, Local Char Girl, All Female Party, All Male Party, Otherwise
To check how the conditionals look in the real dialogue, use the options above the game window. Here you can specify various conditions and the dialogues below will update accordingly.
"Type" here means alphabet type. The default is roman, which should cover most European languages, like English, German, Spanish, Portuguese etc. I've also added cyrillic and greek. If your language has a different alphabet, please PM me and I'll try to add it!
Note that for some languages with a massive amount of symbols, like Chinese, Korean and Japanese, I can't add a universal spritefont for that. If you want to translate the game into one of these languages, you'll have to check out the Fonts tab in the Translation Suite!
When translating for a language that can't be displayed using one of the supplied alphabet (letters will appear as a bunch of ??? to the right), select Override. If you've compiled a font of your own, you can test that by selecting Custom.
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