Make sure Steam is running and that you're logged in there!Hello. I encounter this error every time I select browse translations in the language settings. Help please.
Version: 1.00a Steamy Hot Stable
Error: System.NullReferenceException: The object reference does not point to an instance of the object.
в SoG.Game1._Menu_LanguageBrowser_Interface_Search(String sSearchString) в (path)\States\Menus\MainMenus.cs:line 7344
в SoG.Game1._Menu_Options_Interface() в (path)\States\Menus\MainMenus.cs:line 7917
в SoG.Game1._Menu_Update() в (path)\States\Menus\MainMenus.cs:line 2007
в SoG.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) в (path)\Game1.cs:line 1564 - FullScreen: No - NetworkRole: LocalOnly - scue: Menu_Move - MD5: d15a76027bd3bb3a112e87c5b26b106e
Version: 1.00a Steamy Hot Stable
Error: System.NullReferenceException: Ссылка на объект не указывает на экземпляр объекта.
в SoG.Game1._Menu_LanguageBrowser_Interface_Search(String sSearchString) в (path)\States\Menus\MainMenus.cs:строка 7344
в SoG.Game1._Menu_Options_Interface() в (path)\States\Menus\MainMenus.cs:строка 7917
в SoG.Game1._Menu_Update() в (path)\States\Menus\MainMenus.cs:строка 2007
в SoG.Game1.Update(GameTime gameTime) в (path)\Game1.cs:строка 1564 - FullScreen: No - NetworkRole: LocalOnly - scue: Menu_Move - MD5: d15a76027bd3bb3a112e87c5b26b106e