Here are some things I haven't been able to find the strings for:
1. All the information when loading a game. "~empty slot~", "Completion", "Time played" etc. The locations are also shown in english even though they were translated in [$LMenus|Location_*]
2. The big "LOADING" word when loading a zone. (though I reckon this one is a premade sprite)
3. The words "Health", "Energy" and "EXP" beside the appropriate bars in the upper left corner.
4. InGameMenu - titles of the tabs "Equipment", "Inventory", "Crafting" etc. which are shown below the energy bar when the in-game menu is opened.
5. InGameMenu, Equipment tab - the left side descriptions of "Gear" and "Quickslots" are shown in english. I translated all the strings in Menus, so I can't tell if the strings are completely missing or if they are there, but still shown in english ingame.
6. InGameMenu, Crafting tab - the words "Recipe" and "Ingredients" on the top of the crafting list.
7a. InGameMenu, Skills tab - the selections (buttons) when selecting any skill. "Upgrade", "More info", "Refund" and "Equip skill" (not sure if more can appear depending on skill level progression)
7b. InGameMenu, Skills tab, More Info - When viewing "More Info" about skills, the charges ("Bronze charge", "Silver charge" and "Gold charge") are shown in english. [$LSpells|UpgradeInfo_*] has "Bronze Charge" and "Gold Charge" strings, though "Silver Charge" is missing (I think they are used elsewhere) - on the other hand the string [$LSpells|Cost1Bronze] exists, even though there are no Bronze Skill Points in the game.
8. InGameMenu, Journal tab - all the headlines of the lists (like in the Crafting tab). "Name", "Difficulty", "Completion", "Achievement", "Reward", "Drops" and "Card Album".
Those are the things that I have found so far. I haven't done any translations of Quests, Achievements, DialogueSnippets or NoticesAndTips so far, so maybe I will find a couple of things more later.
The translation tool is awesome, though! Really good job and good idea to use crowd sourcing for game localization. Looking forward to updates, new stuff and support skills.