Multiplayer Lag Spikes / Stuttering / Freezes


Green Slime
Hi there!

The issues did not start now, already happened a few patches ago as well. When I play with a friend of mine (we often play various multiplayer games together where one of us has to host, no issues in other games luckily), I get lag spikes every few minutes, sometimes more often. He does not. Does not matter whether he hosts or I host.

Sadly, I did not really find anybody else online having those issues and I am really not sure how to tackle those issues myself. It was really annoying in story mode, but it is outright infuriating in Arcade where every hit counts :'D

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Am willing to cooperate! <3

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
Have you found any other clues that this might be a thing that happens on your own or you friends net sometimes? Do you get it in other games or while browsing the web? How long are the spikes?


Green Slime
Nope, sadly not. I played league of legends for ~7 years so I'd definitely know if this was a thing which happens to me regularly :D the spikes last for 0.5-1.5~ seconds


Staff member
These machine-and-game specific issues are sadly super hard to know the cause of!

However, I'm not sure what kind of lag spike we're talking about. Is it freeze lag? Since you say you get them while you host they can't be network related - everything is calculated on your machine!

If it's freeze lag it sounds like it might be some completely absurd garbage collection bug.


Green Slime
Hi there!

I can confirm that i managed to track down what caused the issues: Fullscreen.

As soon as i switched to borderless window mode, the game did not cause any more freezing/lag issues AND the pixelart suddenly got really crisp!

I think i had fullscreen on back from a time where no borderless window was implemented.