Some Ideas.


Green Slime
Hey guys,

im a german Fan of this game so my english is not the best so .
i heard about this game because a friend shows me. and so i figured it out!
first it was very short but than we tried the arcade mode and its very funny and you allways try it again because you want to get more points.
to the story of this game its a great idea and your bag is the best npc in the game! :D
but what we see only the bossfights get more and more stronger and thats just "annoing" because do you remember games like "Secret of Mana" or "Terranigma"
the games goes more and more harder with the path and not only the enemys in games like this you got more and more items to free ways for the next path and you must travle around the whole game.
You must member the ways where blocked for go another time to this location and there was not fast port or something in the early game.
i mean a port isnt a bad idea but so is the game shorter than you think!
i wish for the game it will be harder with more thinks like labyrinths, more puzzles (not only block pushing things) and key paths

mfg Chuck


Handsome Moderator
The forum activity fluctuates somewhat. But everything will be read and if you make suggestions, people are take them to their heart.


Yeah the game is quite limited when it comes to exploring, but it's sort of meant to be that way. There was a great MMO that wasn't so popular because of the sheer size of the world. Something like 10,000 maps (small ones, of course. Maybe 290 tiles *1 step = 1 tile* per map) and many got lost or couldn't get to a certain point because of the difficulty. Grindea is on the short side of exploration, but it's designed that way to make sure most players can enjoy each part of the content. With the options of quests on the side and whatnot.

It's a much more basic game when it comes to mapping and design, but it has a plot and story which people nowadays seem to enjoy more than actual gameplay.