[Spanish] (Idiomatic Translation) - Spanish (100%!)


Green Slime
EDIT5: The whole translation is available on Steam!! Fully translated!! Go and get it!

See? I totally forgot about uploading it here! Here's a quick update on the translation:
  • MiscTexts are at 100% right now. But I have just checked and it seems there's some problems with the actual tools. Some strings are actually translated but still shows in-game in english. Maybe it's something about the old system, but I'm not sure.

    At least we have the texts fully translated, so when the new tools are out it will be easier to get on track!

  • Dialogues are at 81%. There is so many new quests and content! But I'm enjoying the new zone so much. I'm trying to get it translated as soon as I can!
I have been following the last updates on the translation tools and they seem awesome! It would be much easier for me and for you to follow up my updates directly from the game itself! I can't wait to have it!

Also there's a new update which you can download from here right now!

But, while we wait for the new tools, I will keep updating the translation but in local. I will stop uploading it here because it will be useless really soon. You will only need to subscribe to the translation from inside the game and that's it!

: The project is NOT abandoned! We had a lot of work this year and got a little to no time to update the thread. However I didn't abandon the project at all and dedicated a little bit of my free time to keep the translation updated based on the recent patches.

Be ware of the new wave of constant patches that will be on track starting TODAY. I'm going to upload an update every week even if it's only for a single string. Maybe I should setup a github page so it will be easier for you to know about every change. I will think about it.

But if you want to experience the game on Spanish right now... You can!! But please be sure that there will be gramatical errors, weird phrases and things on English.

I'm going to upload my last version. There may be some bugs here and there, non-translated strings and some dialogues will drastically change, but at least will be updated.

We know there are some big problems with every button script ingame. We're revising every single line in the translation and we will update the dropbox link as we change it.
We'll keep working on this translation until it's 100% finished and working and we'll take care of every update of the game to adapt it on our language.

Thank you for your time guys and I hope you like it!
EDIT: We've just finished the translation!! I'm sure there are a lot of errors and misunderstandings during the game or even better words for some internal jokes, but I hope it's enough. Of course we're looking for as much help as you can give us by posting every piece of feedback that you have right there.

* Do you think you have a better translation for a single phrase or a whole conversation?
* Do you think that some things are not to be translated (location names, items...)?
* Do you prefer to have a more personal translation where your gender or choices are better defined?
* Do you think some phrases or dialogues need just "a lil'bit o' work mate"?

Please, LET US KNOW!!

I'd just make the 99% mark, but this is not done at all. Every single piece of feedback is really appreciate it and I'll love to have your help right here with me.

Thank you and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did translating it!

Attention!! This is a really preliminary version of the translation!! Use at your own risk!!

1.- Unzip (unrar) the whole folder.
2.- Go to My Documents / Secrets of Grindea (if you can't see it, you might need to create it)
3.- If you don't have one, create a new folder called "Languages" inside it.
4.- Move the "spanish" folder you unpacked earlier there.
5.- Select your new language inside the game... ENJOY IT!


Hello guys!
I will take care of the Spanish translation for the game as soon as possible and I will post here my updates.
I don't need help right now with the translation as we're 2 on the team, but I'll ask for more if needed for sure!.
Thanks to the devs for the hard work!


Old post:
I will use this post to inform you guys about our progress and, maybe, ask some questions to the community:

As you will see right below, I'll show you how we'll work it out:

We started making a first contact to the dialogues, starting with "Evergrind Fields" just to make sure everything worked just fine. It did, so we decided to make the base of the translation going right after the MiscText which will help us later on dialogues thanks to the "Reference System". Also, and only because we'll use an Idiomatic Translation, we'll change almost every line to make sure everyone feels immersed in the game as soon as they talk to a NPC without making it very distant to the original text, of course.

We're also encountering some troubles about "what should we do" and that's why we want to ask the spanish community what would they prefer in some cases. Mostly because of "fully translate names or not"-thing we already worry on every single game out there that gets a spanish translation.

I don't want to forget about our spanish-american community. We're from Spain, so our translation, even when we'll try to make it as neutral as possible, might be a little "personal" based on expressions and words that may be only in our country. I hope our friends from the other side understand it.

I will try to update this post as soon as we update our translation DB. And, ehen we feel it's ready, we'll post it here for you guys to test it out.

Thank you!!


  • SoG - Spanish [v.B.1.00].zip
    131.8 KB · Views: 1,062
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Green Slime
Aqui alexrol1988, que iba a empezar ahora mismo la traducción y he visto el post, así que comentadme como nos podemos contactar y empezamos ya!!! jejeje


Green Slime
¡Muchas gracias por el ofrecimiento!. Como dije en el post principal, ahora mismo no necesitamos ayuda. Somos dos personas y podemos apoyarnos mucho más rápido a la hora de traducir, así que por el momento vamos servidos.

Pero, ¡cuento contigo para hacer un poco de betatesting cuando tengamos algo viable!
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Green Slime
Buenas! Hace 2 días probé la demo de este maravilloso juego, Y me encanta, Esperare cuando salga en steam para comprarlo, Y veo que estas haciendo un gran trabajo con la traducción, Animo y si necesitas ayuda de betatester o lo que sea aquí estoy, Estaría encantado de ayudar, Cualquier cosa MP por aquí o por Steam.

Perfil Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/GabranthGamer/


Green Slime
¡Muchas gracias por el apoyo! Intentaremos tener la traducción para esta semana que entra y entonces comenzará la caza de "bugs" :p Lo subiremos por aquí primero y luego lo publicaremos en Steam (¡El juego ya está en su base de datos!)


Green Slime

A falta del texto de la sección "Quests", está todo traducido y probado internamente. Tenemos intención de actualizar el hilo y abrir una serie de cuestionarios para que la gente pueda opinar sobre ciertas decisiones que hemos tomado durante el transcurso de la traducción (nombres propios, habilidades, estilo...). También nos gustaría recibir cualquier sugerencia sobre algún diálogo que no convenza lo suficiente o partes que no se entiendan del todo (siempre teniendo en cuenta la opción "idiomática" de la traducción).

Esperamos no tardar mucho más. Estamos siguiendo con detenimiento los últimos parches de contenido. ¡Queremos tenerlos también en el programa de traducción para ir añadiéndolos!

Un saludo y gracias por vuestra paciencia.


Green Slime
I'm updating my post as soon as possible, but editing it doesn't seem enough so I'm going to "reply" myself.

The project is NOT abandoned! We had a lot of work this year and got a little to no time to update the thread. However I didn't abandon the project at all and dedicated a little bit of my free time to keep the translation updated based on the recent patches.

Be ware of the new wave of constant patches that will be on track starting TODAY. I'm going to upload an update every week even if it's only for a single string. Maybe I should setup a github page so it will be easier for you to know about every change. I will think about it.

But if you want to experience the game on Spanish right now... You can!! But please be sure that there will be gramatical errors, weird phrases and things on English.

Thanks for passing by!

EDIT: Also I noticed most of the recent updates broke some of my translations. It will take a little bit to retranslate some strings.
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Green Slime
Muy buenas, antes que nada decir que estoy alucinando por completo con este juego, han proporcionado unas herramientas de traducción que no se han hecho esperar porque le habéis metido mano hasta el 90% del juego, es increible, estoy completamente agradecido por la labor de traducción de este juegazo, sois unos máquinas y por descontado tengo que decir que si necesitais una ayuda con este tema aquí me tenéis.

Espero que estéis activos por mucho tiempo por si se añade más contenido al juego en un futuro y podamos disfrutarlo íntegramente en español, porque lo merece.

Y ánimo que solo os faltan el Season Temple en diálogos, unas cuantas skills y poco más ^^

Un cordial saludo y muchísimas gracias.
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Green Slime
¡Hola! ¿Cómo va el proyecto? Mis felicitaciones. ¿Está ya al 100%? ¡Gracias por la traducción!

No se como llevarán la traducción pero de todos modos con cada actualización o parches implementan cosas nuevas en el juego, date cuenta que le queda mucho al juego para estar completo, hay que estar muy encima de todas esas actualizaciones para llevar la traducción al día, así que creo que lo mejor es tener paciencia porque ni el juego está acabado así que no debería de haber prisa.


Green Slime
No se como llevarán la traducción pero de todos modos con cada actualización o parches implementan cosas nuevas en el juego, date cuenta que le queda mucho al juego para estar completo, hay que estar muy encima de todas esas actualizaciones para llevar la traducción al día, así que creo que lo mejor es tener paciencia porque ni el juego está acabado así que no debería de haber prisa.

Lo tuve en cuenta, la verdad que el juego estoy ansioso para que termine una gran parte, a más vídeos veo, más ganas me dan de jugarlo, tiene muy buena pinta. Gracias por contestar, Swon. ¡Un saludo!


Staff member
What's the state of this translation, currently? The updated translation tools and the steam workshop should open up later this week, and if the translation is somewhat complete it would be cool to have it up for launch!

With the game update, people will be able to find and download the translations from within the game.


Green Slime
What's the state of this translation, currently? The updated translation tools and the steam workshop should open up later this week, and if the translation is somewhat complete it would be cool to have it up for launch!

With the game update, people will be able to find and download the translations from within the game.

The translation is at 100% actually, both Misc and Dialogues. But I'm worried about some strings not being translated in-game no matter how it is on the translation files.

Anyway, I suppose this will be fixed with the new tools (I can't wait to use them!), and everything will be as translated as it can be.

And if I can suggest something: There are some strings which inevitably will be longer words in Spanish, but they appear like a mess in-game. Something like "Hats" section in the equipment screen. In my version it's called "Sombreros". It could be "Gorros" or "Cascos" (both horrible in my opinion), but either way they don't look ok.
I think that if the string was centered it wouldn't matter the size, because it would clip both sides and not by one.

An image worth a thousand words:


Also: Is it possible to have the strings from the loading screens?

By the way, I'm uploading the lastest version. There will be bugs and some strings that will change for sure ("Zapatos"... what the hell was I thinking), but there you go.
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Green Slime
Buenas no esta del todo traducido,en lo ultimo no me entere de nada xD lo dejare ahy parado hasta k este 100% traducido

un saludo

Carlos G.

Green Slime
Me pongo en contacto contigo para solicitarte los archivos actualizados, quiero llevar a cabo una localización al latinoamericano, muchas gracias.