Version 0.602a


Additional thoughts:

The race, as I feared, feels bad because it requires mashing one button instead of two. I can tap Z+X lightning fast alternating, but mashing Z alone is a lot slower for me. I barely managed to edge out Luke. I wonder if it feels better on controllers? I've seen people on controllers rapidly shield up to reflect a bunch of Bossling's snowballs, but haven't seemed to be able to do it myself no matter how many times I try. I wonder if the timing for button presses is different for Controller vs Keyboard, somehow.

"You finding these artifacts was no coincidence" - So you sent me, on my own, into a big terrifying dungeon to fight insane mechanical bosses intentionally? :p Thanks, dad. I thought you might exercise more caution, after your little incident.

Now I wish I hadn't crafted my Toy Sword into a Stinger.

"Let's ressurect our mother!" - Someone clearly never saw Full Metal Alchemist. I don't think your father can afford to pay another arm and a leg.

Why do I get the feeling that the person they bring back isn't going to be Charlotte. I get the feeling Ivy is going to ressurect Fahrmamera. :D

And I hope Ivy won't become main antagonist after all. It would be too obvious, especially after the cutscene.

Something being obvious doesn't necessarily make it wrong. "Oh wow, what a twist!" isn't something I expect from a lighthearted RPG where the characters are tasked with grinding up drops. :p

For the Queen Bee, it would be awesome if you guys could write what level and build you use versus her. Keep the feedback and bug finding raining in guys!

Level 23, Gold Whirlslash. It was easy on Normal and Hard because I keep my back to a wall when fighting bees. I imagine a lot of people don't do the same and that's why they find bees hard.

Let's try with just Cloud Strike.


Easiest boss of my life. Kappa


Green Slime
I didn't have any trouble with the Bee. I've got the Frosty Friend maxed out, the Cloud at 1 Gold Bar, and ... Shadow strike? The thing that lets me swing more with my sword. I've got that at two shadows worth. I like the fight, actually. The honey puddles have a net twist on an old mechanic, and the adds were a good way to make sure that I was doing something besides just kiting things in circles and letting my Cloud save the day.

I thought it would be neat if you could go around and collect the things for the other collectors and get some kind of thing. 300, 500, 1000 of something is a ton of stuff, but especially if I can bring my friends we'll just make mincemeat of everything. I feel like it's a good place to put a bonus reward, but it also seems like that just sets up an opportunity to miss a thing. Which, in a game about collecting all the things... I can see how that would be bad. Maybe if the festival had a memory statue?


Y'know, seeing that punching bag get the Team Rocket Blasting Off Again treatment made me realize it would be pretty hilarious if there were some marks on the landscape of the world documenting the Carnage of Luke.

"I'm gonna go find another way through the Toy Factory!"
But there's no doors.
[If you return to the conveyer belt, you see a smashed hole in the wall in the shape of Luke's body.]

*POW punching bag*
[If you return to the Pillar Mountains, or the upcoming volcano area, it's embedded within the mountainside somewhere.]

Visual gags always make me laugh. :D


Y'know, seeing that punching bag get the Team Rocket Blasting Off Again treatment made me realize it would be pretty hilarious if there were some marks on the landscape of the world documenting the Carnage of Luke.

"I'm gonna go find another way through the Toy Factory!"
But there's no doors.
[If you return to the conveyer belt, you see a smashed hole in the wall in the shape of Luke's body.]

*POW punching bag*
[If you return to the Pillar Mountains, or the upcoming volcano area, it's embedded within the mountainside somewhere.]

Visual gags always make me laugh. :D
Yes please!!!


Hey, Teddy, I've got something I know you'll love. Christmas came early this year. Co-op bugs!


Load game, go into single player, respec my skills to get rid of Cloud Strike and back to my original build. Exit to Main Menu, join Pokesly. Pokesly types the command to rest his game progress before the cutscene while I'm in the game, we go up to the Collector's HQ.







Well, that's strange.

We then started the dragon cutscene, but neither Dad nor Mom appeared on my screen. When Mom's chatbox was supposed to come up, the game crashed on me. When I rejoined everything was the same.


Okay, most things are hunky-dory here, but a few bugs to point out.


Somehow Pokesly still has Naniva after the temple of seasons. Some strange bug that's been with him for a while.


Bag has a fair number of pixels sticking outside of him that aren't anywhere else in the game. Above his right (our left) eye, above his green band. Eh?


We fight Queen Bee, I die, we walk to the left of the waterfall to ress me. When we come back down Queen Bee has somehow flown outside of the level and is trapped.


Marino was a party pooper and refused to take his station, no matter how many times we left and returned to the spot he would not go there. As such he couldn't be talked to or directed to any of the decorations. Both Pokesly and I saw this.

Additionally, at the Running Event I looked down at my keyboard and hammered Z just as fast as I could. I didn't know until too late that I had accidentally hit the Windows Key. By the time I noticed my error my character was walking over, as if I hadn't pressed anything. Pokesly informed me he saw my character walking downwards towards the park, only when the cutscene ended did I snap towards the finish line on his screen.

Oh, a random note: The Queen Bee area as soon as we entered it lagged the hell outta my computer, but I have no idea if that's because I had like 20 MS Paint windows open at the time. It got more tolerable after we thinned the area of enemies.


Staff member

The desync problems probably occurred because only Pokesly did the reset! I forgot to mention it here for some reason (I think I wrote it in the Steam patch notes), but the client must also do the reset command, and preferably do it first!


Naniva is probably there due to resetting Winter, I'm guessing?

Hmm... maybe there's gold behind Bag? I don't know :D

That Queen Bee thing was seriously weird! I'll have to take a look at the colliders.

Marino pls :(

The running event has kind of a safeguard in case someone absolutely do not understand they should smash the key or goes afk, making them sloooowly gain momentum even without pressing the key. What isn't quite as intended is the strolling downwards :D


Oh, derp, you're right. Bag is on coins, it just looked like stray pixels to me.

Pokesly had beaten Winter well before this update came along, though. He's just told me that he has always had Naniva with him for some reason. You need to beat Winter to even activate this part of the storyline,right?


Staff member
You need to beat Winter to even activate this part of the storyline,right?

Oh, that's right, Naniva rejoins you after the fight anyway. It's not until you get back to Santa Fae that she leaves! So the problem here is that /winterreset doesn't reset that cutscene, making it so that Naniva is your beloved advisor forever and ever and ever! Noooooo

(I'll add a reset of the Santa Fae cutscene to the /winterreset command so people can get rid of her :D)


So I decided to resume my old Hard Mode Speedrun character that I forgot about after saving before Winter.


(Turns out you can kill Winter and complete the Santa Fae cutscene in about 1 hour and 47 minutes, and that's with some time wasted.)

But, that's not important. The important thing is I have something I've always wanted.


A fae cult. Good morning, Angels.

You can go ahead and leave that glitch in, I'm fine with this. :D


Green Slime
Loving the new Frontline update/the game in general, but just to clarify, at 61% when I'm at the Festival and get told I can reset to before the festival, that's as far as the game goes at the moment rigtht? Or am I missing something? I assume as updates roll out the story will increase in length.


Friendly Moderator (Formerly known as GoodStuff)
Loving the new Frontline update/the game in general, but just to clarify, at 61% when I'm at the Festival and get told I can reset to before the festival, that's as far as the game goes at the moment rigtht? Or am I missing something? I assume as updates roll out the story will increase in length.
The % counts the total content in Story mode so all quests, items, cards, craftables and secrets have to be completed/found to get 100%. The main story quests ends after you've done everything in the festival.