Vilya's Work-blog! (aka Pixel Ferrets behind the scenes)


Handsome Moderator


Handsome Moderator
JUNE 02, 2015

As mentioned yesterday, I'm working on adding more colors and epicness to the menu right now, and today it's time to rework the character box!

The character box is the little box beneath the title box that shows your character name, level, current exp, and how much money you have:

Right now the box is put inside yet another of those brown boxes, and I thought: "WHY"?! There's already so much brown, surely a character box can float on its own!?

Read more and maybe watch the video on the new Character Box here:


Handsome Moderator
JUNE 03, 2015
Promo Art - Character Polish & Website Preparations

So, you thought we were done with the promo art, right? Nope! It's been a while now, so I thought I'd go over it and make some fixes, as well as prepare the character art to be added to our website.

The characters that currently feature on our website don't really represent the game or what it looks like all that well, while these guys do a lot better. However, we wanted to up the details of both characters a bit.

Here's the girl's old version:

And here's the new one:

Mainly I edited her hair, making it a bit darker. I also did some work on her shirt, thinning the lines and adding a bit of detail. Finally, I edited her mouth a bit, giving her lips. I'm not 100% sure about that change yet, as it changed her expression a bit. However, I don't think it looks worse, necessarily, so I'm definitely a bit torn!

The rest of the new and polished promo art can be seen over at:


Handsome Moderator
JUNE 04, 2015
Skill Revamp

More menu upgrades! This time, I'm focusing on the skill window, because the headers over there are really old and really ugly:

My goal with these was for them to look a bit more like the Talent section, and to increase the color variety. Sure, there's still a lot of brown shades, but there's more contrast between them, and there are other colors as well. Also, with the help of the new, fancier headers, I think they look a lot more epic.

A video of the work progress and the end result can be seen over at:


You guys are considering getting rid of Support Skills? :( No more Haste, Protect or any new Support goodies?


I guess without Support skills the game would be easier to balance, since everyone would only have skills that work like: "Do damage [THIS WAY]" or "Do damage [THAT WAY]", but I love playing the buffer in games. :)

Support skills also aren't mechanically interesting, but I throw extra skillpoints into them because after a certain point you just don't need another damaging skill. Since those few points you pop into Throw aren't going to help any when you have Berserk and Smash maxed, but some levels of Haste might. :p There were at least a few good support skills here, I thought.


Staff member
We most likely will keep the support skills. The passive ones are gone though (replaced by talents). We do need to discuss the Support stuff within the team though - they're currently divided in a way (offensive/defensive) that we're not sure about if we want to keep, as we haven't decided on what other support skills to add yet.

I'm glad to hear that you guys like the thought of support skills though! It's often hard to know for sure whether people actually like such skills, or if they're just used to them, forcing themselves (or a friend) to play a "priest"-class for the convenience of the raid/theme. I've played too many games where someone feels they have to sacrifice themselves when picking priest, just so we'd stand a chance at all at higher levels, and I personally don't want SoG to be a game where such a sacrifice has to be made if you want to reach the higher floors/get the best score :)

Hopefully we'll be able to implement such supp skills/balance the game in a way that having one guy playing 100% supportive won't be the obvious best build for multiplayer runs.


I find support skills are best when divided up between the group, rather than designating a role and leaving that person's character useless in single player. In any of our multiplayer arcade runs, I always pick Protect and the other person picks Haste.

They're far more valuable in Arcade than in Story Mode, but I don't necessarily mind some things being better or worse from Story Mode to Arcade Mode. The only reason they seem less appealing in SM is because you don't care if you get hit and you can already get your attack speed up fairly high with pets. :p

If you really are worried about someone being gimped due to focusing in a lot of Support skills, though, talents have a way of patching up any holes in a build. Something like:

Beefy Buffer - For every unique Support skill buff you have active that you have cast, gain +# ATK/MATK per charge level for it's duration.

That'd potentially make a support-built character stronger. You cast 4 Support spells, your entire party is properly buffed and you get to enjoy a tidy bit of extra damage for buffing yourself.

That's why I think Talents were one of the best additions to the game, really. If the skills available aren't allowing a build to be viable, Talents can easily fix that. :D The Debuffer + Insult To Injury build is a lot of fun.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
The Ice Nova-Insult to Injury is possibly my favourite combo, almost anywhere, with the arcane charge on top you can be hitting a near thousand after a silver/gold charge, then accompanying that with the insult giving you an extra buff for attack... Shame it doesn't work on bosses :/


Handsome Moderator
JUNE 05, 2015
Some New Hats

Today I spent some time working on a set of new hats for you guys! These will mainly be rewards for getting achievements in Arcade Mode, as we thought it's a bit boring to only receive Essence for everything:

The Boar Hat
We wanted to try something new, and make hats that make it look like your head actually belongs to an animal. Our inspiration for this was the horse head that often appears everywhere on the internet, but so far we've stuck to animals present in the SoG universe :D
The Pecko Hat
oh, it seems the rest of the article is still over at:


Well, that Red Gigaslime hat looks pretty sweet. Props to Vilya. :) The Boar and Pecko hats are equally hilarious too, I love these full-head helmet things, hope to see a lot more of them in the future. A Wisp head would look pretty cool, or a present/gift box with eye slots.

But, since these are tied to achievements - will these auto-unlock if you have the achievements done? Because some of the Arcade quests which had items added in for them later didn't pay out.


Staff member
But, since these are tied to achievements - will these auto-unlock if you have the achievements done? Because some of the Arcade quests which had items added in for them later didn't pay out.
Yes, Teddy made sure they should auto-unlock even if you already completed the achievement. If they don't, it's a bug!


Handsome Moderator
JUNE 08, 2015
The Small Things

Another bunch of small things, that are now live in the frontline beta as of yesterday!

1. The Arcade Mode achievements for Temple of Seasons (which I previously showed here) have been changed from showing a winter room to an autumn room. The reason for this is simply because we wanted a bigger difference between the appearance of Temple of Seasons and the Seasonne (winterland) achievements.

2. You can now unlock the achievement for fishing all the Winterland fishes :D

3. When opening the menu, you typically see...

The rest of the blog post can be seen over at:


Handsome Moderator
JUNE 09, 2015
Left Menu Decorations... A bunch of options!

Alright, back to reworking the menu! This time around, I'm working on the entire left side of the menu, trying to tie things together. In doing so, we have a bunch of options, and I'm not quite sure which one I like best.

What do you guys think?

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Do you like the more simply and airy ones, like option 4-5, or the more graphics heavy 1-3? Less is more, or more is more? It's a tough question!
This time this is the whole blog post, as I felt it necessary. Still pay a visit to Vilya's blog and comment at:


Handsome Moderator
JUNE 10, 2015
Haircut Reworks #1: Female

Oh yes, more reworks! This time, the haircuts. These things have had a bunch of problems, actually, and fixing them has been on my to-do list for quite some time.

The perhaps most glaring issue with the old haircuts were that some of them are downright faulty: some pixels missing here and there, allowing skintone pixels to shine through... So yeah, not very good. Also, the quality of the pixel art wasn't exactly super high, given that they were (also) among the first things I made for the game.

So, I basically just went over each and every one of the hairstyles, fixing problems and reshading them as I went. Here's the first batch, featuring the female versions!

Old Version:

The reworked haircuts and a reworked blog can be seen over at: