Housing suggestions megathread.


Walls - It's nice having a bunch of stuff to put on walls, but being unable to put them anywhere but on the back wall is a little bothersome. You run out of space fast. Having a 'wall' item you can place anywhere, and then place wall items on it, would be nice.

Special Effects - Anything you get from an achievement or quest feels like it should have some special property. Like the Slime Beanbag (Hitting it causes green slimes to drop down around it? Or causes giant slimeballs to fly out of it?), or the Red Fish (Talking to or hitting it causes random sound effects to play, ala Billy Big Mouth Bass?)

Secrets - People would tinker with housing much more if there were more secrets to be found by plunking down items and interacting with them. Whether it be inspecting either of the two monitors you can place in your house for some easter egg, or hidden items like inspecting the cherryblossom tree item to get something that peppers cherryblossom petals down around you. :)

Redundancies - There's a purple mushroom and a blue mushroom, identical save the color. Why are these seperate items? There's already a left/right toggle for many others items in different styles.

Variations - It's difficult to tell which items have a variation at a glance. Maybe add '# variations' to the end of the description of each one with variations?

Housing Item Category - There are more than enough of these to warrant their own listing in the bag menu now, right? Along with Crafting items, since they have their own visual tag too.

Chairs - Chairs can face left, right and down, but not up?

Sleeping - We've got beds now, being able to sleep would provide some interesting options after the screen fades to black. Where you see strange scenes in the darkness using current animations already seen in the game based on our current story progress. Ex: Luigi trimming Power Flower down to nothing, Gigaslime/Autumn Knight/Spinsect twirling around one another, Zhamla's laughter echoing in complete darkness for a short time. Alternatively, bits of dialogue from Bag, Bishop or an unknown figure relating to what's happening in the story displaying.

Figurines/Plushies - It might be nice if every enemy dropped a 'figurine' of themselves at a low, low chance, that didn't contribute to game completion. Or if certain enemies did. Displaying Season Knight figurines or a Phaseman figurine in the house would be neat. I am curious what current plushies are for if not housing items. :p

Expansion - I can think of two ways to add housing expansions that I would enjoy. First being, the more you pay, the wider/taller you can make your house, getting increasingly expensive. But one gigantic room is a bit hard to fill and dull, expesically given how few things you can put along the bottom wall since most things face down. The other is letting the player buy different rooms that they can connect together by little hallways, like Tetris blocks of many different sizes. Example:


Shaping our rooms - Sometimes you don't need all the space in a room, leaving you with a bunch of empty space. This could be fixed by offering a non-walkable, infinitely-numbered, resizeable pitch black 'rug' to players. Just drag it in a room wherever necessary to better shape it. Maybe place a wall along the bottom of where the 'rug' ends? (I'm not sure how walls are coded, if they have to be along the top for items to be placed. If so, just don't have items placeable on these fake walls?)

Overlays - Like I suggested for Arcadia. A tab that changes an overlay in your house. Confetti, cherryblossom petals, snowflakes, etc.

Exterior - Being able to change the exterior of or house to a style similar to Startington, Evergrind or Tai Ming would be nice. We kind of blend in at the moment.

Items I'd like to see added -

Mirrors and Phaseplates, for wacky teleportation hijinks. You'd probably have to make people auto-splat after 10 seconds back to their original phaseplate to avoid softlocking.

Festival Pack - Balloons, the big torches, the cardboard cutouts, volcano decoration.


Seasonne - Snowmen, igloos, decorations around the Bossling's hut.

Flying Fortress - Pecko nests, cyber jars crafted from our shards, mossy/broken pillars, the little electrical crackly crystals.

Startington - The grandfather clock in our house.

Evergrind - Sword bush, shield bush, fountains, benches, arrow target (5k prize from Robin?)

Season Temple - Shallow water, as a resizeable rug or floor.

Chests - Normal, Flying Fortress and Tai Ming.

And, I don't know how feasible this is, but some way to display rare items? Like on tables, or picture frames. Maybe an NPC who makes house-able decorative copies of a few select items.


Talking about expansions: https://gfycat.com/ZigzagVastAustraliancattledog

What I'd like to see is more gameplay interactions with some of the furniture. Something like Own already mentioned, like items having easter eggs or giving some lore (Shiidu is perfect example <3). Also, items from furniture, but also equipment.
But it would be nice to have items of greater significance. Like I mentioned in another topic, a special secret furniture set, that eventually connects your house to secret mini-dungeon*. Or seeing as Kim talks about dimensional collapse, maybe an item that actually causes the collapse, leading to... secret mini-dungeon :chicken:.
*by mini-dungeon I mean even a set of few rooms with one-two battles/puzzles/miniboss. Something trivial (Golden Sun gives example how to do these)

Also, quests related to housing. Maybe Remedi has a special plant, which he don't have where to grow, or this plant would be a secret furniture item, and placing it in our house would eventually make it sprout, allowing Remedi to make a new potion type.
Maybe some NPC would look for a house to move in, so we can make a room for them. If Kim said this house could expand to size of a city, then why not populate this city? :chicken:

Also also, another thing I mentioned in other topic - dungeon editor. If we were able to make multiple rooms, then allowing us to place enemies and puzzles shouldn't be much more work (maybe). And if we could share our designs on Steam Workshop for other players to go through our dungeons, that could add another 100+ hours to gameplay (and probably 200+ to development time :chicken:).


Giga Slime
I'll also add my suggestions/finds from yesterday along with some new ones:

- Chairs don't have a sprite, where they face upward
- Small Candelabra is present twice among the purchasable furniture in Carpenter's shop
- It would be useful to see the name (and description) of the item that is currently selected
- It would be awesome to be able to interact with the screens, for example being able to create logs like Professor Pine and Tannie did, which other players can then read
- Generally more interactions with certain items would be great - especially with those, that were found

Some usability
- When in decorating mode, the cursor should reappear left if you push past right border and vice versa. Same goes for going up/down.

Some new interactions
- Being able to replace the fish on the fish display with your favourite smelly catches
- Being able to replace weapons in weapon displays
- Ride the broom, similar to the Wisp's behavior
- Alternatively, the broom cleans the house
- Wisps beaming visitors out, who misbehave (using spells indoors)
- Being able to see yourself in mirrors
- Resize the slime mat to annoy visitors
- Being able to turn on/off light source objects (candles, crystals etc.)
- Dialogues/floating memories of the places when interacting with objects found over the world
- Summon Naniva via Fae Statue, who can banter with Shiidu

Some new items
- A bowl of water/food that your pets will go to
- Jukebox because I'd really love "The Fallen Collector" being played when I enter
- Training dummies to whack (similar to those in front of Master Yi's school)
- Rune Block to push around the room
- The thing from the Flying Fortress that shoots harmless missles to practice perfect blocking (alternatively Wisps have a combat training mode)
- Stuffed animal stand (for Enemies that you can't have as pets)
- The fixed Power Machine from the Festival (and a restraining order for Luke)

So far so good :D

Edit: Also, I see no reason that wallpapers and floors may be purchased more than once. At least not until there will be more rooms.
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Green Slime
I think it would be good if there was a place where you could share houses like this:
(Skip to 2:30)
It could happen through steam workshop and could allow people to pick exteriors for their houses.
I also want to see more lamps.
Finally, can we sell furniture? I have bought some furniture that i don't actually need and I wanted to sell it.


Other in-game objects I think would make great housing objects:


Lilypads for if we do get a shallow water floor/rug, and the missing vertical, floral Tai Ming painting especially. Though I could only get a picture of it in the present. Being able to make bamboo as high or as low as we like using infinite stacking would be great too.


Random 'special' housing items:

Cursed Stone: An eerie black rock with glowing red markings on it. At 100% lighting, nothing special. The lower you set your lighting settings, the more visible a floating Echo of Madness appears above it.

Psychadelic Shroom: Hit it to create spore cloud poofs. If you stand in them, the 'edge of screen wiggle' effect from Pumpkin Woods fills the entire screen.

Icebox/Fridge: Hit it to cause a winter blizzard to flow down out of it, encasing you in ice.

Throne of Swords: Bump into it to cause the ow-animation, like walking into a thorn.


Oh, how a monthly or ever-other-monthly furniture theme pack the community can vote on to be designed? :D

Something like:

- Enchanted Forest Pack (Wildflowers, Trees, Rabbits, Birds, Sword In Stone, Pond Rug, Clover Floor, Leafy/Tree Walls)
- Sinister Pack (Skulls, Bones, Ghosts, Dungeon Walls, Blood Red Floor, Appearing/Disappearing Glowing Red Eye Wall Decoration)
- High Culture Pack (Paintings, Statues, Vases, Tea Cups, Tea Kettles, Instruments)
- Pet Pack (Cat, Dog, Fishbowl, Aquarium, Parrot on a perch that repeats random things previously said in your home, Pet Rock with googly eyes, Giant Spider)


After playing extensively with the housing system for a bit, things I'd really like.

Make Surfaces Like Rugs Wherever Possible - Small/long tables? Merge them together. Make three pieces for each one. An end piece, a middle piece and an opposing end piece. When someone places a table, let them extend it like a rug as long or as tall as they want to, with the middle part looping. Being unable to make a long countertop/bar/etc is a bit bothersome.

Transparent Wall Item - For when you want to make your own little rooms. :D

Single candle item - There are a lot of clusters of candles to place around, but no single candle item outside of a wall decoration. Candle in a candle holder, please~

Lamps you can toggle on/off by striking them - For funsies, and for toggleable light sources.

The keg is two tiles too big, which means it's incredibly awkward to place. It needs those weird, empty blocking tiles lopped off.

And for lighting, make an option to give players 'personal' lighting. So you can make a spooky, creepy home with no lighting sources, but a small bubble that follows the player around, if possible.



It would be so nice if these two could be stretched wider and taller as well. I'd love to have a wall that's almost entirely made up of that window, without having to layer them over and over with the window frames between them.


Y'know, our tables are looking pretty bare. It would be great to have some more stuff to display on them, something that might appear in most any home...

Food. :D

It would pad out the housing crafting menu. Basic ingredients can be bought from Montbel's, maybe? Sugar, flour, milk, etc.

Cake: Requires basic ingredients
Carrot Cake: Cake + Carrots
Angelfood Cake: Cake + Halo
Birthday Cake: Cake + Small Sticks + Lanterns

Pie: Requires basic ingredients
Pumpkin Pie: Pie + Pumpkin Meat + Pumpkin Seeds
Mud Pie: Pie + Dirt

Pizza: Requires basic ingredients
Startington Pizza: Pizza + Wimps (Anchovi Pizza)
Grindean Bacon Pizza: Pizza + Tough Skin (Canadian Bacon Pizza)
Mt. Bloom Pizza: Pizza + Small Mushroom + Mushroom Spores (Mushroom Pizza)
Seasonne Pizza: Pizza + Candy Canes + Honey + Icy Goo (Candy Pizza)

Icecream Sundae: Bananas + Icy Goo

Gelatin: Slime Cube + Green Goo

Roast Turkey: Turkey + Magical Seasoning

Roast Boar: Apple + Tough Skin + Honey + Magical Seasoning (Boar on a plate with an apple in it's mouth)

Roast Fish: Salmon + Magical Seasoning

Boiled Crabs: Crab + Magical Seasoning

Fried Oysters: Clam + Magical Seasoning

Salad: Blue Petal + Purple Petal + Bamboo + Root + Dandelion+ Lettuce (Is it still vegetarian if you harvested them from monsters...?)

Fruit Bowl: Banana + Apple

And drinks?

Rootbeer: Unique, copyable item. Obtained from inspecting the keg in your home.

Bottle of Elder Berry Wine: Berries + Fabric of Time (Aged to perfection!)

Teacup / Kettle: Porcelain Shards + Roots


Giga Slime
Rootbeer: Unique, copyable item. Obtained from inspecting the keg in your home.
Nothing tastes better than a cold beer your Frosty Friend hands you when you come home after a tiresome grinding spree! :D

Furniture: Frosty Fridge

JJ the Tall Guy

Green Slime
I don't know if this would be the right thread for this, but in my current playthrough, I bought the house as soon as it became available and I just reached the Festival, but my house is back to the empty plot of land it once was.

Can there be a fix so that if you buy the house pre-Festival, it will still be there during the Festival?

Specification: the Festival, being the festival after you collect the Royal Jelly from the Queen Bee.


Giga Slime
Due to new items being added to the game over the course of the play (and due to updates), it would be nice having an additional Category in the shop, that lists all furniture, that you don't own at least 1 of yet. Gotta place 'em all, gotta place 'em all!
And idea (that has been mentioned before but I'd like to press further) is Jukeboxes! Change the music of your house (or room) to fit the style :D They should also bounce around happily to the music for an adorable animation, even have like some rare ones like all bosses have a super rare chance of dropping the boss music jukebox :p


Green Slime
I think it would be interesting to have a secret door kind of thing. Either as a bookcase that, when interacted with, opens in some fashion, or just making a doorway look like a normal patch of wall. Maybe with the ability to designate another object int he connected room as a switch.

I realize that it wouldn't have much use, since you can see every room in your house, and you're the only one using it, but for style purposes. I kinda want to make my weapons/collection room a secret chamber for the heck of it.


Green Slime
I mentioned this in Discord, but I'll go ahead and put it in here.

It'd be really sweet if certain alike pieces of furniture connected when placed next to eachother such as carpet, tables, benches, bookshelves, etc. Here's an example I put together in like 5 minutes using MS Paint.