Meaning clarifications


"I don't know, gramps - I stopped counting years ago."

I can't get its meaning... Is this some kind of joke or something?
It's kind of joke, or whatever to call it. It's followed by "How many times..." from Sizou and Zhamla stopped counting how many.

"No? Then I suggest you go find it! If you wish, I can help you make a formal request of entry."

Does "No? Then I suggest you go find it!" means that "if you refuse to make a request, you won't be able to see our artifact"?

And I also wonder if Sizou is Zhamla's "real" grandpa, or is Zhamla adopted by Sizou?
He is adopted.


Giga Slime
Cutscene_FlashBackB05, 2 of 4

The sentence is a bit weird. It starts of with "Before I..." and then continues with "before you were born" - it sounds like Sizou is talking about the time before either of them ("before you and I") were born, but there a Priestess tells him something, which can't be since it's before he was born. Or is it just that he started to say something else and then reconsidered mid-sentence? It's slightly misleading.


Staff member
The sentence is a bit weird. It starts of with "Before I..." and then continues with "before you were born" - it sounds like Sizou is talking about the time before either of them ("before you and I") were born, but there a Priestess tells him something, which can't be since it's before he was born. Or is it just that he started to say something else and then reconsidered mid-sentence? It's slightly misleading.

It's supposed to be him reconsidering mid-sentence, but you're right, perhaps it's a bit misleading! I'll consider rewording it, or changing the structure a bit


Giga Slime
I think just adding a verb would suffice, like "Before I have", or "Before I got", or whichever he was going to say.


Giga Slime
In Verment_FirstZone01 Verment calls the kid "Stupid boy", while in Verment_HasKey02 he calls the kid "Stupid girl". Which is it? Also, is HasKey02 in the game at all?

Edit: Okay, it is in the game. But it's still boy/girl.

Edit 2: Ooh, I get it now. He refers to the player. It's a bit weird, still, though.
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Giga Slime

In SizouQuestRepeat02c, 5 of 6 (and probably in Mana's dialogue too, though I'm not there yet), is that "friend of hers" male or female?

Edit: Ah, I skipped to Mana's quest dialogue and she is talking about a priestess, so that friend is female.
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Giga Slime

In Receptionist01, does the "form Q4-R" have a special meaning, or is it just named in a way, so it may sound as complicated as possible? Any puns involved?

Edit: If not, may I call it SP4-M for the russian translation? As a pun to things you immediately toss into garbage?
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Giga Slime
"Quest for"
Hm, could be, but for what? Also, in russian that wouldn't work as we don't have numbers that are pronounced like the word "for", or any other word that would make sense, really.

Edit: Our 1 is pronounced like the god Odin, but that's absolutely no help whatsoever.

The G-Meister

Giga Slime
4 is sometimes used somewhat informally to replace an F in an abbreviation like that. Simply using an "O" (or Russian equivalent) instead would work, but I guess it loses that informal touch.


Staff member
In Receptionist01, does the "form Q4-R" have a special meaning, or is it just named in a way, so it may sound as complicated as possible? Any puns involved?

Edit: If not, may I call it SP4-M for the russian translation? As a pun to things you immediately toss into garbage?

I think I was thinking something like Quest and Request, with the 4 just being filler to sound complicated!

Feel free to call it SP4-M! I approve of that pun :D


Giga Slime
Um, I noticed that the wording for how Zhamla treats the villages changed from "destroying" into "ruining". It's kind of unusual and I'd like to know in what sense it's meant as I need to translate it. Is there a way to describe it without spoiling the exact reasons why it was changed this way?


Staff member
Um, I noticed that the wording for how Zhamla treats the villages changed from "destroying" into "ruining". It's kind of unusual and I'd like to know in what sense it's meant as I need to translate it. Is there a way to describe it without spoiling the exact reasons why it was changed this way?

I think the wording has always been this way! In either case, there's no double meaning this time - he destroys them :D


Giga Slime
Okay, I tried to work around it where I could (misc sentences when equipped), but in Cutscene_TalkToShiidu01a, it's not possible without sounding completely bananas. Is Shiidu male or female? She has a closed eye with eyelashes, but the open one looks male. I kind of consider her a she, but I need to know what she considers herself to know which form of verb she would use when speaking.


Staff member
Okay, I tried to work around it where I could (misc sentences when equipped), but in Cutscene_TalkToShiidu01a, it's not possible without sounding completely bananas. Is Shiidu male or female? She has a closed eye with eyelashes, but the open one looks male. I kind of consider her a she, but I need to know what she considers herself to know which form of verb she would use when speaking.

Shiidu has no official gender, and you can rest assured it will never be referenced in the game! For languages where a neutral gender is not an option, pick a gender and stick with it!

Since you think of her as a she, feel free to continue doing so in your translation :D


Giga Slime
Well, Bag calls her "buddy", but I guess that goes for both genders. When I translated "Steelface" back in Tai Ming 1, I had also picked a female-sounding nickname. So, alright, glad you don't mind then :D


"Guess I'll have to tend to that giant backlog once and for all."

Could you paraphrase it or something? >_>


In TaiMingPart3 - Cutscene_ZhamlaDefeated04, Feith says "It is the price we had to pay for taming the beast we awakened" and "If nothing else, this terrible curse might help in keeping people out... and keeping this piece safely asleep."

Does this mean that the priests summon the monsters in Tai Ming to keep people out?

Again in TaiMingPart3 - Cutscene_ZhamlaDefeated04, Preia says "...what about the one who got away? Has anyone found it?"

Here, "the one" refers to the mimic, is that right?


Does this mean that the priests summon the monsters in Tai Ming to keep people out?
No, I think they refer to Zhamla in first sentence, and the price they have to pay to stop him. In second one, they refer to Cursed Priestess, who they created, and who guards town from other people.

Here, "the one" refers to the mimic, is that right?
In lore speculation topic, people implied that they are referring to Bag. They are talking about 5 artifacts Zhamla had during sealing, which you can see for brief moment. He supposedly had sixth artifact, which ran away before the ritual, and which might be the Bag.