Vampirism(melee talent): 1% of attack Damage converted to health per point. (3points)
Spell-Vamp(magic talent): .5% of damage from spelled to health per point. (3 pounts)
In a Hurry! (General talent): +5% movement speed per point. (5 points)
Magic Quiver(general talent): Regain 1 arrow every 10 seconds. (1point=1arrow per 10seconds, 5points = 1 arrow per 5 seconds, so each point reduces timer by 1 second)
Side Quivers: +5 arrows per point. (5points)
Heavy Shots: +5% bow damage per point. (5 points)
Burst Shot: shoots arrows side by side. +1 arrow per point. (3 points, shoots 4 arrows in a "beam", costs 4 arrows, but much harder to miss. Still capable of hitting large targets/bosses with all 4 if aimed dead center.)
Nature's blessing (Support Spell): very slow to charge(unaugmented 2 seconds per charge level), lvl1-5: regain 3% health per point, lvl 6-9 heals you and closest summon/player(if in MP) for 3% per point. Lvl 10 Heals all party members and summons in range for 30% of max health. (Lvl 10, unaugmented charge time is roughly 6 seconds, so a proper healer/support player would need a good amount of CSpeed, and/or the general skill to charge spells faster after a melee skill is used. Optimal 3 charge heal would take 2 seconds). Costs 50 EP per cast.
Clarity(Support Spell): increase EP Regen by 1pt per second per pount. Lvl 5 charge
Buffs you and closest ally, lvl 10 buffs all players.
Gravity Well (Support Spell): Targeted Gravity Field (comparable to Purple Crystals), gets wider and stronger per point.
Healing Rains (Support Spell): creates a transparent, and gentle, raincloud (at target location. Last 10 seconds, heals 1% per point, per second. Lvl 5 causes players recently affected to take 5% less damage for 10 seconds. Lvl 10 causes players to gain 10% movement speed.
Reposte! (1hnd melee skill): blocks all incoming attacks for 1/4 of a second (similar to a perfect block), all damage blocked is redirected back at the attacker +10% per point. Lvl 5 charge blocks all fir 1/3rd second, lvl 10 charge blocks all for 1/2 second, costs 10 EP per charge lvl.
Mirror Image (Support Spell): creates a image of you to stand by your side. When hit, an image gets hit instead and fades away, negating the damage you would take. Each image copies your abilities, making them 1% more powerful per point, per image, for each Image by your side(max of +30% damage until you get hit.) Lvl1-5=1image, 6-9=2 images, 10 grants 3 images when fully charged.