Saw another thread about Healing powers. I agree that the way the game is designed, healing per
se isn't really required. The experience and challenge is much more enjoyable this way, in particular with the boss-fights.
However, a couple of ideas did pop to my head that perhaps haven't been mentioned yet:
*For the multiplayer-games, perhaps there could be a support spell where the caster doesn't heal anyone, but instead
redirects damage onto themselves from other player/s? Possibly with the caveat that the damage-receiver mustn't die or both "linked" Players snuff it.
*I was going to suggest a spell/ability that increase Damage-dealt based on Damage-taken, but then I realized the Last Stand -abilities probably already grant this effect.
*Perhaps an ability that grants a very, very short invulnerability could work, if the conditions for it were strict enough. For instance: cost is 50-100% of your max EP, and casting always reduces EP to zero. Depending on the % and charge level, the duration could be, say, 1-3 seconds.
OR, any hits you take during the invulnerability heal the enemies you're facing.
OR, unless you clear the mob/boss during the invulnerability, you end up taking double/triple the original damage.
OR, in order to not take the damage you otherwise would take, you have a very short timelimit during which you must return the damage (times X) to the enemy who attacked you, except that when you return it, the enemy gets healed.
*Perhaps simply a Support-spell that protects from negative status ailments, such as Poison or Slow. (...are there any others yet?
*Getting further away from 'healing' -ideas but zany and worth a mention: how about a support-spell that creates forcefields? They could be aimed like Earth Spike and Titan's Throw, and could for instance Perfect Block projectiles from afar or control where mobs moved. Perhaps even forcibly stun enemies that run into the forcefield too fast.